Business & Finance: The NPPF And The Housing Industry: The FACTS

The NPPF And The Housing Industry: The FACTS

When the draft National Planning Policy framework (NPPF) was released by Eric Pickles it was assumed that it would be welcomed by all as a measure to reduce the complicated procedure of obtaining plan

Business & Finance: 4 Things To Consider Before Selling Your Home

4 Things To Consider Before Selling Your Home

Selling a home can be a scary and complex transaction. This article discusses 4 things to consider prior to listing that will make the entire transaction go more smoothly.

Business & Finance: What Are the Missouri Homestead Exemptions in a Credit Card Lawsuit?

What Are the Missouri Homestead Exemptions in a Credit Card Lawsuit?

A homestead exemption is a state law that protects a certain proportion of a person's home against seizure by creditors. Missouri offers limited protection in this way. In practice, the nature of a credit card debt means it is very unlikely a card issuer would consider it worthwhile attempting to se

Business & Finance: Attention Ex Loan Officers and Realtors

Attention Ex Loan Officers and Realtors

You've probably seen the writing on the wall for about a year now and a lot of you have left the business already. For those of you who haven't yet, good luck to you. I wish you the best. If you have left and are thinking of leaving, I have something to share with you. It's called the

Business & Finance: How Executive Suites Are Better Than Leased Offices.

How Executive Suites Are Better Than Leased Offices.

Offices are integral part of any commercial activity. Every business has to have some space as an address of its operation where from its employees or owner can executes necessary business activities. Every business should ...

Business & Finance: A Real Estate Auction As a Shareholder

A Real Estate Auction As a Shareholder

I am getting sick and tired of all these unmentioned properties in my area. If only the banks would just adjust their prices then their messes could be cleaned up in a responsive fashion.The lenders out there will have to learn to take the bite. Do not worry they are very creative and will get their

Business & Finance: Rotorua Property Management - How to Choose?

Rotorua Property Management - How to Choose?

This artice provided by Rotorua Property Management Professionals Questions to ask when looking for a Rotorua Property Management Company.Now you have an investment pr

Business & Finance: Ruthless Homeowners Insurance Florida Strategies Exploited

Ruthless Homeowners Insurance Florida Strategies Exploited

Karen Wright, a broker the Claim Park company employed in Yarmouth, echoed your statement. Periodic residences carry all other issues. In spite of an aspects seaside & isle areas supply, fire-protection continues a challenging rider ...

Business & Finance: Real Estate Contracts and Listings - How They Work

Real Estate Contracts and Listings - How They Work

We review Jamaica real estate listing contracts and types of listings. Real estate brokers and agents are parties to negotiating listing and sales contracts as it to relate to the different types of listings that are available.

Business & Finance: Use a Professional Photographer for Your Listings

Use a Professional Photographer for Your Listings

For many agents, the advent of digital cameras and computer imaging software have solved a number of difficulties involved with getting photos of listings on the Internet in a timely manner. However, state-of-the-art software cannot ...

Business & Finance: Benefits Of Owner Financing For Buyers And Sellers

Benefits Of Owner Financing For Buyers And Sellers

Owner financing has a huge number of benefits for land buyers and sellers. The sale is made faster if the concerned parties opt for seller financing. Owner financing has monetary benefits for buyers a

Business & Finance: Home Mortgage Loan Rates - Lower Interest Rates Ahead?

Home Mortgage Loan Rates - Lower Interest Rates Ahead?

Home mortgage loan rates continue to stay near historic lows. It seems every single time mortgage rates move up, a speech by the Federal Reserve Bank or our President knocks them right back down. Every single week we hear someone make the statement that the government is going to do everything in th

Business & Finance: Cost Segregation provides apartment owners tax relief

Cost Segregation provides apartment owners tax relief

Apartment owners can face staggering expenses to maintain apartment communities. The upkeep of even a modest community could involve groundskeeping, unit renovation, and replacements, such as parking

Business & Finance: House Builder Stocks Rise in 2015: Confidence Is in the Home Buyers

House Builder Stocks Rise in 2015: Confidence Is in the Home Buyers

The investors in UK homebuilding and related economic sectors might be forgiven for wearing a neck brace in 2015. This would be due to a type of whiplash in how market analysts are seeing the industry, particularly in the run-up to the General Election.