A company blog can help your business achieve greater online visibility and improve the way you communicate with your current and potential customers.
Success of a blog depends upon many variables.
One of them that can never be overstated is the quality of content.
Authentic articles that deliver fresh and informative topics can generate loyal readership.
Even though relevant content can bring some success in the search engines, it is only one piece of the puzzle.
If you consider that there are hundreds or even thousands of potential customers using Search Engines to find the type of products/services that you are offering, optimizing your blog will play an important part in helping them locate you.
This means that you need to implement On-Page SEO tactics to help improve your ranking and increase both quantity and quality of traffic.
To get your posts ranked high for your targeted keywords and boost the success of your blog, you need to go by the following best practice SEO rules and guidelines for optimizing your blog content.
Determine Keywords Identifying the most relevant keywords for your blog is the most important part of your SEO campaign.
Performing a keyword research will help you determine and optimize the right set of keywords.
With the help of tools such as Google AdWords Keyword Tool you can check the popularity of your chosen search phrases and get suggestions that may work better for your blog.
Smart Use of Hyperlinks Search Engines will place a higher value on your company blog if it contains optimized links to your previous posts.
Using your primary keywords in the anchor text of these links is highly recommended as search engines use them to crawl your pages.
Linking to previous posts also benefits your readers providing them with more resources on the topic they are interested in.
When it comes to hyperlinks density, it is recommended to have one hyperlink per paragraph of text.
Another important note that you should keep in mind when it comes to internal linking is the form in which the link is presented.
Avoid using "click here" as your link phrase and try to use a description of the content you are linking to as a part of sentence.
Title Tag Optimization The title tag appears as the clickable link in search engine result pages and it may just be the most important place to use your targeted keywords.
You should make sure that your article titles are optimized and effective as it will help you achieve higher rankings and inspire potential customers to click on it and visit your blog.
Ensuring that your entire title shows up in the search result can improve a click-through rate, so try to keep it under 72 characters.
Add Tags And Categories to Blog Posts Tags are very helpful in organizing the content of your blog so that your readers can easily find what they are looking for.
It also makes it easier for search engine robots to crawl your blog.
One thing you should be aware of is that a large number of tags per post can get you penalized by Google as it is may be considered as an attempt to trick the search engine.
To avoid being penalized, keep the number of tags up to five for each post.
Adding the right categories for your posts is also very important for helping visitors better navigate through your content.
Proper categorization also helps to improve search engine rankings of your company blog.
Optimize Meta Description Tag Meta description tag is the description that appears in the search results just below the title tag and its length should not exceed 160 characters.
It is a unique summary of your post that should contain the primary keyword, ideally toward the beginning, to get good response from search engines.
This content snippet is what will engage visitors to go to your blog for more information.
Optimize Content of Blog Posts When writing posts your primary focus should be on your readers.
With SEO as a priority, your post will seem unnatural.
Writing articles that are relevant to the reader and rich with keywords is a winning combination.
Including keywords in the body of your post, with the emphasis on the first paragraphs, will increase your chances of achieving higher search engine rankings.
Be careful not to go overboard with keyword placement as search engines may interpret your post as keyword stuffing.
The content of each of your blog posts should be developed around your primary key phrases.
Success of a blog depends upon many variables.
One of them that can never be overstated is the quality of content.
Authentic articles that deliver fresh and informative topics can generate loyal readership.
Even though relevant content can bring some success in the search engines, it is only one piece of the puzzle.
If you consider that there are hundreds or even thousands of potential customers using Search Engines to find the type of products/services that you are offering, optimizing your blog will play an important part in helping them locate you.
This means that you need to implement On-Page SEO tactics to help improve your ranking and increase both quantity and quality of traffic.
To get your posts ranked high for your targeted keywords and boost the success of your blog, you need to go by the following best practice SEO rules and guidelines for optimizing your blog content.
Determine Keywords Identifying the most relevant keywords for your blog is the most important part of your SEO campaign.
Performing a keyword research will help you determine and optimize the right set of keywords.
With the help of tools such as Google AdWords Keyword Tool you can check the popularity of your chosen search phrases and get suggestions that may work better for your blog.
Smart Use of Hyperlinks Search Engines will place a higher value on your company blog if it contains optimized links to your previous posts.
Using your primary keywords in the anchor text of these links is highly recommended as search engines use them to crawl your pages.
Linking to previous posts also benefits your readers providing them with more resources on the topic they are interested in.
When it comes to hyperlinks density, it is recommended to have one hyperlink per paragraph of text.
Another important note that you should keep in mind when it comes to internal linking is the form in which the link is presented.
Avoid using "click here" as your link phrase and try to use a description of the content you are linking to as a part of sentence.
Title Tag Optimization The title tag appears as the clickable link in search engine result pages and it may just be the most important place to use your targeted keywords.
You should make sure that your article titles are optimized and effective as it will help you achieve higher rankings and inspire potential customers to click on it and visit your blog.
Ensuring that your entire title shows up in the search result can improve a click-through rate, so try to keep it under 72 characters.
Add Tags And Categories to Blog Posts Tags are very helpful in organizing the content of your blog so that your readers can easily find what they are looking for.
It also makes it easier for search engine robots to crawl your blog.
One thing you should be aware of is that a large number of tags per post can get you penalized by Google as it is may be considered as an attempt to trick the search engine.
To avoid being penalized, keep the number of tags up to five for each post.
Adding the right categories for your posts is also very important for helping visitors better navigate through your content.
Proper categorization also helps to improve search engine rankings of your company blog.
Optimize Meta Description Tag Meta description tag is the description that appears in the search results just below the title tag and its length should not exceed 160 characters.
It is a unique summary of your post that should contain the primary keyword, ideally toward the beginning, to get good response from search engines.
This content snippet is what will engage visitors to go to your blog for more information.
Optimize Content of Blog Posts When writing posts your primary focus should be on your readers.
With SEO as a priority, your post will seem unnatural.
Writing articles that are relevant to the reader and rich with keywords is a winning combination.
Including keywords in the body of your post, with the emphasis on the first paragraphs, will increase your chances of achieving higher search engine rankings.
Be careful not to go overboard with keyword placement as search engines may interpret your post as keyword stuffing.
The content of each of your blog posts should be developed around your primary key phrases.