Business & Finance Advertising & sales & Marketing

Designing the Perfect Leaflets

When it comes to distributing leaflets, you can have the best list, the best price and the most dedicated delivery staff there are, but the single most important factor when sending leaflets is the design of the leaflet, get this wrong and you will lose money and fast.
Here are some simple rules to use for leaflets, and in fact any form of direct marketing.
Why? Why are you sending them this leaflet.
How does it affect them, what effect will this leaflet have on their business? Example "We are sending you this leaflet to show you how much money you could save on your leaflets distributing" What? What is the offer you are giving them within the leaflet? This is so important.
As well as potentially introducing your company to the prospect for the first time, this is the opportunity to show them what they will be getting from you in return for their hard earned cash and also make them consider why they should try you and not your competitor.
Example "Send 5,000 leaflets through us and we will design your leaflets free of charge" When? When should they use you? I'm assuming, not next week, month or year but now! Why should they use you now? What is the benefit of getting on the phone and calling you straight away? This is your one chance to get the business, leaflets generally don't have longevity and the majority that work will be on an immediate basis.
Example "Call us TODAY, this offer expires on Friday and is only available to first 100 callers" In many cases, your leaflets will be the first time the prospect has been made aware of your existence, hence the content being so vital to it's success.
Keep it simple, to the point and most of all impinging.
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