Let's be brutally honest here.
If you don't understand the causes of early hair loss, chances are excellent that you will be absolutely powerless to do anything about it.
In this case, the cliche "knowledge is power" rings loud and true.
So what are the causes of early hair loss? In all of my research, I have found that there are three main categories of hair loss.
None of these are exclusive.
That is, if you are experiencing one of these types of hair loss, there is nothing to say you can't experience another one at the same time.
Here's the list...
Causes Of Early Hair Loss - The Scary Three:
I don't think it's necessarily inevitable for all people.
Listen, the numbers don't lie.
For women in North America, as many as one in three are experiencing thinning hair.
After the young age of 40, this number jumps to half! And by the age of 65, approximately 75% of women are cursed with diminished locks! For men, the figures are even more staggering.
Let's put it this way; women account for only 40% of the "thin hair club!" This is scary stuff.
The problem is not reserved for a tiny minority.
Every one of us is either balding or knows someone who is.
This is the sad truth.
Yet it is, in fact, the truth.
If you don't understand the causes of early hair loss, chances are excellent that you will be absolutely powerless to do anything about it.
In this case, the cliche "knowledge is power" rings loud and true.
So what are the causes of early hair loss? In all of my research, I have found that there are three main categories of hair loss.
None of these are exclusive.
That is, if you are experiencing one of these types of hair loss, there is nothing to say you can't experience another one at the same time.
Here's the list...
Causes Of Early Hair Loss - The Scary Three:
- Alopecia.
This is better known as male or female pattern baldness.
This is a condition wherein certain enzymes, called 5-alpha reductase transform your body's excess testosterone into the dreaded dihydrotestosterone, or DHT.
This mean-spirited hormone binds itself to your hair follicles, rendering them unable to absorb vital nutrients from the blood.
In essence, DHT chokes the life out of your hair, causing it first to thin, and then to disappear altogether. - Hormonal Imbalance.
This is more common for women, but totally possible for men.
Hormonal imbalance is most likely to occur through some form of shock.
This can include, but is by no means limited to pregnancy, childbirth, bodily injury, menopause, emotional trauma (intense fear, sorrow, rage, etc.
), surgery, and drug use or abuse - legal or otherwise. - Acidity.
This is generally caused by poor dietary choices.
Excessive consumption of animal products, processed foods, refined sugar, caffeine, alcohol, nicotine, drugs, and fermented foods are the most likely contributors to an acidic body.
Stress can lead to acidity, as well.
Truth be told, if you currently have an overly-acidic body, hair loss is the least of your worries!
I don't think it's necessarily inevitable for all people.
Listen, the numbers don't lie.
For women in North America, as many as one in three are experiencing thinning hair.
After the young age of 40, this number jumps to half! And by the age of 65, approximately 75% of women are cursed with diminished locks! For men, the figures are even more staggering.
Let's put it this way; women account for only 40% of the "thin hair club!" This is scary stuff.
The problem is not reserved for a tiny minority.
Every one of us is either balding or knows someone who is.
This is the sad truth.
Yet it is, in fact, the truth.