- Use cheats to win at this tactical espionage video game.paire de jumelles image by Freddy Smeets from Fotolia.com
Splinter Cell is a tactical espionage game for the Xbox console. You take control of protagonist and super soldier Sam Fisher, who is part of the Third Echelon group. His mission is to eliminate cyber-terrorists threatening the peace of the free world. Splinter Cell is known for its challenges, but some of them can be circumvented by applying a few glitches to give you the edge you need to win. - When in KolaCell, head to the server room and access the computer to receive the checkpoint. Open your items menu while the Colonel talks and leave it open. When he is finished, close the menu to avoid the three guards who would normally appear without the menu open. In addition, the hallway with the camera will lack the wall mine, so you can easily go through without much trouble.
- In order for this glitch to work, you must be close to perfect health. Then make your way through the restaurant and up the ladder. Cross a wooden bridge and eliminate the enemy with the flashlight helmet. Head toward the zipline but instead of going down it, turn left and jump on top of a box. From here, jump on top of a balcony railing, which will make you slide forward, turn around, then catch it. Shimmy to the middle of the railing, then drop down and immediately hold the B-button. You will land with very little health left, but you will be in an area you can explore.
- Once you kidnap Dougherty, head through the roof and you will receive a message to use non-lethal force to take out CIA officers. As soon as the message plays, drop Dougherty to the floor and shoot him in the head using your SC-20K. The briefing will continue to play and you will now be able to kill all the CIA officers for the remainder of the level.
- Instead of playing through the game normally to unlock each level, you can gain all of them instantly. First, start a new game and go to the name entry screen. Then type the name "!amaudite!" and submit it. You will now have access to every level in the game.
Battle Skip in KolaCell
Chinese Embassy Glitch
Easy Win in CIA HQ Level
Access All Levels