- The effect of too much caffeine causing hair loss is debatable. Excessive coffee or tea may raise stress levels, which can promote hair loss. However, some hair experts use procedures that involve applying coffee or tea directly on the scalp to stimulate hair growth.
- Too much sugar or foods that turn to sugar once ingested causes glycation, which is the breaking down of proteins. This causes the cellular aging process to speed up, and that often means developing a dry scalp and losing hair.
- The proper amount of zinc in the body is essential to hair growth. Too much alcohol may deplete the body's reserves of zinc, which in turn may cause hair loss. Drinking alcohol in moderation doesn't seem to be a problem, according to hairlossbudy.com.
- Prior to World War II, Japanese men rarely experienced male pattern baldness. However, after the war, when the Japanese diet incorporated many of the fatty foods in the Western culture, more Japanese men started losing their hair. Although a certain amount of fat is essential to give hair a healthy sheen, too much fatty food may replace the protein that is essential to hair growth.
- The typical high-protein diet includes a vast amount of animal protein, which when eaten in large amounts may leach the body of other essential nutrients, such as calcium and fluids. It may also cause the arteries to become filled with plaque, and this prevents the cells in the scalp from receiving the proper nutrients needed for healthy hair growth.
- Too much salt may damage the blood and may create hypertension or high blood pressure. This in turn could cause a problem since healthy blood flow to the scalp is essential for a healthy head of hair.
Caffeine and Hair Loss
Sugar and Hair Loss
Alcohol and Hair Loss
Fatty Foods and Hair Loss
High-Protein Diet and Hair Loss
Salt and Hair Loss