Sonia Sotomayor is only the third female Supreme Court justice. But she brings more federal judicial experience than any other justice in the past 100 years.
Move over, gentlemen. Sonia Sotomayor is in the house...or rather, the Supreme Court. After President Obama's historic selection of Sotomayor to fill the vacancy left by departing justice David Souter, the conservative attack dogs came out snarling. Some criticized her "wise Latina" comments, taking them out of context. Others called her a reverse racist. And there were those who felt her weight disqualified her.
Despite ample evidence of racism and sexism in the media coverage of Sotomayor, and attempts to belittle her qualifications and humiliate her, Sotomayor sailed through Senate hearings and was confirmed by a wide margin. For Sonia Sotomayor, justice prevailed in the end.
Move over, gentlemen. Sonia Sotomayor is in the house...or rather, the Supreme Court. After President Obama's historic selection of Sotomayor to fill the vacancy left by departing justice David Souter, the conservative attack dogs came out snarling. Some criticized her "wise Latina" comments, taking them out of context. Others called her a reverse racist. And there were those who felt her weight disqualified her.
Despite ample evidence of racism and sexism in the media coverage of Sotomayor, and attempts to belittle her qualifications and humiliate her, Sotomayor sailed through Senate hearings and was confirmed by a wide margin. For Sonia Sotomayor, justice prevailed in the end.