Home & Garden Antiques & Arts & Crafts

Starting Your Own Home Candle Making Business

Believe it or not, but the vast majority of people who start their own candle making business originally start out by making candles as a hobby.
Interestingly enough, it is estimated that approximately seven out of every ten homes burn candles.
In other words, 70% of the population should be seen as being potential customers.
Basically, if you begin making your candles, this phenomenal market can provide you with what can only be described as a nice little sideline income.
Of course, if you focus on providing quality candles which are better than most of the ones you come across, your chances of success are even better.
Obviously, the best thing for you to do would be to retail your handiwork.
In other words, you could begin selling your candles at various craft shows, and of course you can also setup your own website together with an online store.
Additionally, you could sell your candles to friends and family members, and depending how successful you are, you may even want to consider limiting your candle making business to "word of mouth" only.
Alternatively, you can also consider selling your candles to a number of other retailers, although of course, you will have to take wholesale pricing into consideration.
In other words, you need to realize that in general, wholesale prices are usually about 50% less than retail prices.
Of course, it goes without saying that you should still be making a suitable amount of profit, and the only way for you to be sure you are, is for you to know exactly how much it costs you to make each candle.
Furthermore, you need to be absolutely sure that you will be able to meet production requirements, and you will need to be able to do so according to a schedule.
Over and above wholesale and retail trading, they are of course other ways for you to turn your candle making into a successful business.
For example, you could consider selling on a consignment basis.
Essentially, you allow certain successful businesses to go ahead and sell your candles in return for a percentage of the profits.
Bear in mind that if the store or stores are selling large quantities you could find yourself in the midst of a very lucrative arrangement.
Obviously, before you enter into such an agreement, you need to do a certain amount of research with regards to competition, and the amount of customers a specific store receives on average.
You could also consider joining one of several fund raising programs.
In other words, you need to find a suitable organization such as a church or school which is trying to raise some money.
Basically, you can get them to sell your candles in return for a predetermined amount of commission.
Generally speaking, they would get to keep to approximately twenty to fifty percent of the regular retail price.
You can be rest assured that candles are certainly a great alternative to the regular candy and cookie sales.
Of course, while many people end up seeing a candle making business as an opportunity to earn an extra income, that is not to say that you can't simply continue you with it as a hobby.
Irrespective of what you decide, making candles is still great fun, and of course it can also be immensely satisfying.
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