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How to Start Bee Keeping - Simple Steps to Start Bee Keeping Today!

More and more people are trawling the net for information on how to start bee keeping (just take a look at all the forum posts and question being asked!) yet it still seems that so many people can't seem to find any decent information on how to actually start bee keeping and get going in the first place.
Sure, there are lots of tips and tricks and what not, but no concrete advice on how to just get started in the first place.
I have been bee keeping for a couple of years now and thoroughly enjoy it, not to mention all of the sweet honey that I have access to whenever I want.
This is why I decided to produce this article to provide all of the basics that you need to know how to start bee keeping: 1.
) The Hive All bee keeping starts with a hive, as this is where the bees will live.
You can build your own hive (just search Google for various free designs that you can follow) or if you don't want to spend the time and effort on this, then you can buy a hive from a bee keeper reseller on the internet.
These won't cost that much money and shouldn't break the bank.
) The Smoke Box This is a very useful tool and one that you will want to use from the start.
The smoke box is a simple little device that emits smoke as and when required in order to daze the bees so that they they are not so aggressive.
Whenever you tend to your hive and open it up, bees will swarm out and become agitated, so using the smoke box is a great way to calm them down.
) Protective Clothes Arguably one of the most important things that you will need to buy and an important aspect of how to start bee keeping.
The clothes will include a body-suit along with protective gloves and helmet which will keep those bee stings at bay and keep you safe.
These will most likely be the most expensive item on your shopping list, but still are highly affordable and won't break the bank either.
) Bees Oh yeah, and you will need some bees I suppose.
Just do a search on Google for bee keepers and you will find various sellers who will supply you with a bee colony (including the all important queen bee).
These won't cost that much and you should only have to buy your first colony once, after that they will take care of themselves and reproduce etc.
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