Business & Finance Social Media

Why Controlling the Points of Contact in Social Media Campaigns Is So Important

Controlling how people can contact a business through the social media programs is very important.
Most sales funnels are generated around a certain contact type.
This means that a person can circumvent this system by using a means of contact that is not related to the approved contact type.
Ultimately, this skews the effectiveness of the sales funnel because the contact type was not trackable within the system.
Therefore, a person or business will not know for sure how effective their advertising campaign is or was because the system has skewed results.
Every sales funnel is a machine.
This means that the machine has a maximum effectiveness rate.
To make this more clear that means that any sales funnel has a number of leads and sales that it will never be able to beat because the machine is only capable of delivering X amount of sales or leads.
Therefore, a business owner must keep testing and tweaking their site until they are certain that they are at this top end.
A business must keep working to reach this top end until they are absolutely sure that they have reached this level, then and only then should a business look into creating another campaign.
However, a business cannot do this if they do not effectively control how the potential customer can contact them.
This is because the numbers will be skewed towards the preferred contact type that the potential customer wishes to use.
The only way to have relevant data and statistical relevance is to control the outcome by limiting the factors to two approved contact types.
Either the potential customer contacts through the approved contact method or they chose to decline the offer.
Any other method of contact skews the data and makes the data useless because it s contact outside of the parameters of the test.
Controlling the contact methods also allows a business owner to control who and what type of contacts reach them from the social media system.
As with any system with a social media touch, a person or business that uses their social media actively opens themselves up to attacks from the social media users.
This means that the business may find their inbox full of e-mails designed to attack the user.
This is a bad situation but an unfortunate part of the internet marketing game.
Therefore, the person in charge of answering these e-mails should be aware that these e-mails are coming and the moderator should ignore these messages.
In closing, a business that wants to use the social media systems must control the way their clients and contacts can reach them.
There are two reasons this is important.
The first reason this is important is that the business may be running a sales funnel test that requires the contact type to be controlled for tracking purposes.
The other reason is that there are many people online (and not just in the social media systems) that will seek to attack a business through any means.
This means that e-mail, phone, even showing up at the business address could be used to distract a business or employee from the important work that they need to focus on in that moment.
These are all reasons that a person should control how a people can contact them and why those controlling those avenues are so important.
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