Health & Medical Health News & Knowledge

Focal Infection Theory Disbelievers and Reality

 Still others of the invading species are able to generate toxins either outside or inside cell walls. Some even limit their activity to the cells of the bloodstream.

These numerous attributes of organisms which arise from focal infection sites, whether they be from teeth, tonsils, tonsil tags, sinuses, or any other focal infection source, do cause an infinite variety of local and systemic reactions and conditions.

The concern of my profession is with the effects of dental infections. Dr.Price found the organs or tissues which usually become the victim of attack were ones involved with an injury, nutritional deficiency, old age debilitation, or inherited weakness. The lesions which these bacteria naturally produced were generally located in what he called the "rheumatic group of organs, "causing what he later called the "degenerative diseases."

The organs and tissues most often found to be involved were the heart, eyes, rheumatic and arthritic tissues, kidneys, digestive track and nervous system -but he also found that any tissue could be involved. It is the weak link in the body chain which becomes the victim of the attack. The fundamental point of break is the failure of the host's defense mechanisms to ward off attack; that is, the lessening of the efficiency of thee immune system.

Getting back to Dr.Percy Howe's rabbit's failing to react to his injections of streptococcus bacteria, it should now be easier to see that he was dealing with the bacteria we all have in our mouths on a daily basis. On the other hand, the bacteria Dr.Price's rabbits received were those involved inside of infected teeth where they had gone through polymorphic mutation changes and had become more virile and their toxins more than toxic.

In spite of the fact the bacteria Dr.Howe used were not in their virulent form, his criticism of the focal infection theory developed sufficient following to force the information about Dr.Price's research and that of his illustrious colleagues underground. Another outspoken nonbeliever of Price's work who played a key role in shutting it down was John P. Buckley,Ph D., D.D.S. He was a personal friend of Dr. Price who admired his honesty and conviction and did credit him with stimulating the spirit of research in dentistry more than any person in our profession.

However, Dr. Buckley believed that because the normal tissues of the body are not always germ free, and that with reasonable use of antiseptics and disinfectants dentist seemed to be successful in his research efforts, but felt he was moving too fast and carried out too many projects. Though he recognized Dr. Rosenow as a bacteriologist of note, he assumed Rosenow knew nothing of dental histopathology.

On the other hand, he stated that Drs. Price, Rosenow, Billings, Brophy, Haden, and others were conducting important research. Then, too, Dr. Buckley stated: "I do not doubt the bacteriologic findings of men like Price, rosenow, Haden, and others are correct as far as we understand bacteriology today; but you know and i know there is something wrong with their conclusions based upon these findings when they talk about the safety of pulpless teeth." That feeling still prevails among most dentists today.

Because a fair number of patients who have root rilled teeth removed do not experience health improvements, Dr.Buckley failed to see the significance of the very large numbers who do improve. Dr. Price realized that many factors contributed to the outcome of extractions, including the patient's calcium-phosphorus and acid-base balances. In addition, nutritional and metabolic deficiencies were factors he recognized. Also, different causes could create the same diseases, which complicated the whole issue.

To me it is incredible that Dr.Buckley could insist that because so many root filled teeth did not show signs of infection or cause degenerative diseases, root filled teeth could not cause systemic infection. Dentists have to wonder how Dr. Buckley could have overlooked the well-known and accepted possibility of infection trapped in lateral accessory canals after a root filling has been placed. The majority of teachers of endodontia teach their students to warn patients of this possibility and to advise them to have follow-up x-ray pictures every year of their root filled teeth to check on the success of the operation.

Copyright (c) 2007 Sung Lee, and George Meinig D.D.S

Dr. George Meinig, D.D.S., F.A.C.D. is a Founder of the Association of Root Canal Specialists Discovers Evidence That Root Canals Damage Your Health Learn What to Do. Learn how Dr. George Meinig discovered that a meticulous 25 year research program. To subscribe to the newsletter: Visit: Edited and prepared by Sung Lee, alternate author
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