Horseradish is rich in vitamins (vitamins B and vitamin C) and minerals (iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium) and has strong antibiotic properties. It is an expectorant, bronchodilatator, antibacterial, coronary vasodilatator, it increases the blood pressure, it heats up the body, stimulates the bodys immune system, anti-inflammatory, aphrodisiac, antiparasitic, antianemic, antiscorbutic, diuretic.
Horseradish is effective in treating rheumatic illnesses, breathing disorders, flu, cough, bronchitis, lung tuberculosis, slow digestion, hypoacid gastritis, rheumatism, gout, anemia, sinusitis, paradontosis, hyperacid gastritis, stomatitis.
The use of horseradish cataplasms is indicated in cases of pale skin and facial paresis. To treat facial paresis it is necessary to apply compresses with horseradish vinegar. Over the compress a bottle with warm water is held pressed over for about 10 to 15 minutes.
The mixtures that can be obtained from horseradish are: tincture, horseradish vinegar, horseradish flour or horseradish cataplasm.
The tincture of horseradish is prepared by graining horseradish and filling it in a recipient in proportion of 80%. The recipient is then filled to the brim with white alimentary alcohol of 80 degrees and is left to mix for 8 days, after which the whole mixture is strained.
The horseradish syrup is obtained in the following way: grained horseradish root is mixed with 4 spoons of honey and are left to mix for several minutes. The mixture is strained and pressed with gauze. The raw syrup is obtained. The remains from the gauze are set to boil in a small quantity of water. After boiling, the mixture gets strained and then left to cool off, after which it gets mixed with the raw syrup. It is consumed by taking 3 spoons of the mixture a day.
To prepare the horseradish flour the horseradish root is cut into tiny squares which are left near a heating stove to dry up. After that they get grained. The whitish powder can be stored, however with the passing of the time it loses some of its characteristics.
Another very useful mixture for cases of facial paresis or seborrhea is horseradish vinegar, which is obtained by filling a bottle with grained horseradish over which apple vinegar is poured until it gets filled to the top. The mixture from the bottle is to be consumed in small quantities to treat the abovementioned illnesses.
Horseradish is effective in treating rheumatic illnesses, breathing disorders, flu, cough, bronchitis, lung tuberculosis, slow digestion, hypoacid gastritis, rheumatism, gout, anemia, sinusitis, paradontosis, hyperacid gastritis, stomatitis.
The use of horseradish cataplasms is indicated in cases of pale skin and facial paresis. To treat facial paresis it is necessary to apply compresses with horseradish vinegar. Over the compress a bottle with warm water is held pressed over for about 10 to 15 minutes.
The mixtures that can be obtained from horseradish are: tincture, horseradish vinegar, horseradish flour or horseradish cataplasm.
The tincture of horseradish is prepared by graining horseradish and filling it in a recipient in proportion of 80%. The recipient is then filled to the brim with white alimentary alcohol of 80 degrees and is left to mix for 8 days, after which the whole mixture is strained.
The horseradish syrup is obtained in the following way: grained horseradish root is mixed with 4 spoons of honey and are left to mix for several minutes. The mixture is strained and pressed with gauze. The raw syrup is obtained. The remains from the gauze are set to boil in a small quantity of water. After boiling, the mixture gets strained and then left to cool off, after which it gets mixed with the raw syrup. It is consumed by taking 3 spoons of the mixture a day.
To prepare the horseradish flour the horseradish root is cut into tiny squares which are left near a heating stove to dry up. After that they get grained. The whitish powder can be stored, however with the passing of the time it loses some of its characteristics.
Another very useful mixture for cases of facial paresis or seborrhea is horseradish vinegar, which is obtained by filling a bottle with grained horseradish over which apple vinegar is poured until it gets filled to the top. The mixture from the bottle is to be consumed in small quantities to treat the abovementioned illnesses.