Many guys wonder, do penis pills work? It's a legitimate question since there are so many advertisements and now commercials out there promoting the idea that simply popping a pill will lead to increased size.
So what is the truth regarding these pills? 1.
Most of the ingredients in these pills consist of a lot of herbs.
This combination of sometimes exotic sounding herbs is said to promote increased size.
But none of the herbs are scientifically proven to work for size gains.
While the herbs are usually harmless, they also tend to be very ineffective for anything else, including promoting size.
What about the claims? The claims are pretty elaborate.
Men who say they've experienced size increases and repeatedly answer "yes!" when asked, do penis pills work appear on many of the commercials and ad's.
What happens is that pills rely heavily on the placebo effect.
That is there will always be a handful of guys who believe they are gaining and are actually experiencing the placebo effect.
Based on this very small percentage, the companies will exploit these few and make the kind of claims they make.
Meanwhile a huge percentage of guys are wasting money with no results whatsoever.
The companies come and go.
Do penis pills work? If so, why don't the companies ever stick around for long? The usual routine is for a company to make a lot of money, and then quickly get out of the business as the complaints and returns will start to come in due to the ineffective reality of the product.
Some companies have really strong marketing stamina and will stick around a while longer, but eventually they'll simmer away and people will wonder what ever happened to them.
So what is the truth regarding these pills? 1.
Most of the ingredients in these pills consist of a lot of herbs.
This combination of sometimes exotic sounding herbs is said to promote increased size.
But none of the herbs are scientifically proven to work for size gains.
While the herbs are usually harmless, they also tend to be very ineffective for anything else, including promoting size.
What about the claims? The claims are pretty elaborate.
Men who say they've experienced size increases and repeatedly answer "yes!" when asked, do penis pills work appear on many of the commercials and ad's.
What happens is that pills rely heavily on the placebo effect.
That is there will always be a handful of guys who believe they are gaining and are actually experiencing the placebo effect.
Based on this very small percentage, the companies will exploit these few and make the kind of claims they make.
Meanwhile a huge percentage of guys are wasting money with no results whatsoever.
The companies come and go.
Do penis pills work? If so, why don't the companies ever stick around for long? The usual routine is for a company to make a lot of money, and then quickly get out of the business as the complaints and returns will start to come in due to the ineffective reality of the product.
Some companies have really strong marketing stamina and will stick around a while longer, but eventually they'll simmer away and people will wonder what ever happened to them.