Most people, who invest in stocks, when being asked why they have chosen to invest in this manner, would most likely tell you that stocks offer higher returns compared to other investment options. With the economy currently undergoing a recession, there is doubt that the reason offered earlier can still be said with full confidence. So, the question now is, despite the current economic climate, is it still wise to invest in stocks that may not necessarily yield high returns? The answer is actually a yes, because despite the shaky economic state the world economy is in, investing in stocks still provides a higher return of investment compared to other investment options []. Be warned though, as wanting higher returns through stocks will of course, come with risks that are also high than normal. These risks, when working to your disadvantage, may lead to your financial goals getting unfulfilled.
For your financial goals, it may be safer to say that you should be relying on stock investments to aid in realizing your more long-term and less important goals. The risk factor is too high for you to risk your short-term needs with stock returns. Stock investments do not yield returns after only weeks or months. It takes years of proper and wise investing in the stock market before the really huge returns come to view.
So, if you are looking for stocks to fulfill your long-term financial goals, you may be in luck as long as you have made wise investment decisions to guarantee high returns. You cannot possibly trust the stock exchange to be your bread and butter in such a short time. The moment your portfolio shows returns, invest the profits in other more secure and fast-yielding methods like putting up a business where the profits can be measured daily.
For your financial goals, it may be safer to say that you should be relying on stock investments to aid in realizing your more long-term and less important goals. The risk factor is too high for you to risk your short-term needs with stock returns. Stock investments do not yield returns after only weeks or months. It takes years of proper and wise investing in the stock market before the really huge returns come to view.
So, if you are looking for stocks to fulfill your long-term financial goals, you may be in luck as long as you have made wise investment decisions to guarantee high returns. You cannot possibly trust the stock exchange to be your bread and butter in such a short time. The moment your portfolio shows returns, invest the profits in other more secure and fast-yielding methods like putting up a business where the profits can be measured daily.