Business & Finance Electronic Commerce

Shawn Casey Program Review

Shawn Casey

Mining Gold on the Internet, "how to make $1,000 in 15 days!"

Shawn M. Casey, the big cheese of the Mining Gold Corporation. There are a lot of memberships when you purchase Shawn Casey's e-book, Mining Gold on the Internet. The first one is an auto sign up for $39.99 per month. This is O.K. I guess. I know that this is supposed to be a good way to build residual paying subscribers I just don't remember seeing that part spelled out in the sales letter before I decided to purchase the course. I personally don't like the idea.

Anyway I did purchase this one and I have just finished reading through the course.

Here is my 1st complaint. You are supposed to also sign up for a lot of the resources that are offered on a monthly membership basis. Not to say that there are not ones included with the course, there are some.

Shawn Casey seems to be a pretty reputable and knowledgeable Internet guy. He claims to have generated over $30,000,000 in sales revenues.

The sales letter was well written although very long. I know that there is some debate over long verse short sales letters going on but this one was really long. I guess if you read sales letters all day long you tend to get a little tired some times with the really long ones. In my opinion, how much do you have to say to close the deal?

My 2nd complaint. In the beginning I was very confused with certain areas. There are I think three initial e-mails you get when you sign up, each one with a different place to log in. This is only the beginning of the e-mails you will receive for additional stuff to sign up for with additional passwords and so on. Exhausting!

By the time I got a chance to sit down and review the Mining Gold on the Internet program, those three plus e-mails were buried under about 20 or so other e-mails as well as some additional new ones from the Mining Gold Corporation.

Needless to say, it took me a wile to open the right email, navigate through the correct attached link and then download the PDF for the course. See what I mean?

From the very beginning I was taken to a survey of some kind to see if I was good enough for Shawn himself to work with me or not. Kind of like an interview or something. I selected no thanks at the end of it.

I found most of the course information to be accurate, although a little on the basic side, even for beginners. Make money selling other people's products, digital software and e-books and such with re-sale rights included. We all kind of know about that stuff I think.

Also discussed in the course are affiliate programs, which again is pretty common knowledge. There are some great affiliate programs out there by the way. There are free advertising web site links that are included by the way, I hate free advertising! You only get what you pay for.

To finish this up Shawn Casey's Mining Gold on the Internet program seems to have some O.K. information built in to it. Honestly, I was not overly thrilled with what I got and again I don't like being signed up for these monthly fees or subscriptions unless I am absolutely aware of it up front. The monthly subscription was by the way very easy to cancel, which I did as soon as I finished the course.
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