Updated August 08, 2010.
If you search for breast cancer in any search engine, you will find thousands of different breast cancer sites. While most provide accurate information, which are some of the most recommended breast cancer sites to visit?
Their breast cancer site is both informative and written is layman's terms.More »
If you search for breast cancer in any search engine, you will find thousands of different breast cancer sites. While most provide accurate information, which are some of the most recommended breast cancer sites to visit?
1. Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation
When Nancy Brinker's sister, Susan, died of breast cancer at the young age of 36, The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation was formed. Now, 20 years later, the organization has become a world wide respected leader in breast cancer information and funding source.More »2. American Cancer Society
The American Cancer Society gives factual information relating to breast cancer. Not only will you find stats, breast cancer basics, but a message board that allows people to post questions or to seek support.More »3. National Breast Cancer Foundation
The National Breast Cancer Foundation is an organization raises breast cancer awareness and has an incredible mammogram assistance program for women who cannot afford mammograms.Their breast cancer site is both informative and written is layman's terms.More »
4. Breast Cancer at About.com
Guided by a breast cancer survivor, About Cancer gives information for patients, families, and anyone interested in learning more about breast cancer.More »5. National Cancer Insitiute
If you are looking for factual, accurate information about the basics of breast cancer, the National Cancer Institute breast cancer site is for you. It also includes information about clinical trials and future breast cancer treatment.More »6. BreastCancer.Org
Breastcancer.org is a nonprofit organization aimed at raising breast cancer awareness. Their site contains must know breast cancer information for patients, families, and anyone interested in learning more about breast cancer.More »7. Mothers Supporting Daughters with Breast Cancer
MSDBC is a support organization for mothers who have daughters battling breast cancer. It provides the means and resources for mothers help in their daughter's fight.More »