Too much exposure to Ultra violet radiation from the sun causes skin cancer. It is also caused by genetic or radiation treatments. Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer; many of them can be prevented or treated. Any part of the body is at risk of having skin cancer. Body parts which are exposed to sunlight like face, hands, neck etc are mostly affected. Check out pictures of skin cancer.
There are various forms of skin cancer treatment. Some treatments are of the standard type and some are clinical trials. The standard treatment is the regular methods that we are currently using and the clinical trials are part of the cancer research program. Visit Skin Rashes Photos.
Below are the four types of standard skin cancer treatments that are used:
Under surgery we have a few types such as:
Simple Excision where the tumor is cut from the skin along with some normal skin along with it.
Shave Excision the abnormal area is shaved off using a small blade.
Cryosurgery is a type of treatment also known as cryotherapy, in which abnormal tissues are frozen and destroyed as in carcinoma in situ.
Laser surgery Bloodless cuts in the tissue are made by using a narrow beam of intense light(laser), which is used to remove the tumor.
This type of skin cancer treatment stops and kills the cancer cells by using high energy x-rays and other radiation. This radition is internal as well as external depending on the stage that the cancer has advanced to.
{Chemotheraphy: is the form of treatment that uses a drug to stop the cells from dividing or to kill the cells.| Chemotheraphy: is the form of treatment that stops the cells from dividing or kills the cells by using a drug. Chemotheraphy involving application of cream or lotion is for melanoma skin cancer and actinic keratosis.
Retinoids: The uses of retinoids are still being studied in the clinical trials and are given sometimes to treat or prevent nonmelanoma skin cancer. Retinnoids can be injected to skin or taken through mouth.
Photodynamic Therapy: This type of cancer treatment uses a drug and a laser light to kill the cancer germs. The drug that is injected into the veins does not become active till it is exposed to the light. Skin cancer treatment are made effective by exposing the skin to light thereby enhancing the effect of drug. The drug mostly settles in the cancer cells. This kind of therapy causes a bit of damage to the healthy tissue.
The above are some of the standard methods for skin cancer treatment that are being used to kill the cancer germs.. The clinical trials are the alternate form of skin cancer treatment. One such feature of this clinical trial is
Biologic therapy: also known as biotherapy or immunotherapy; patient's immune system is used to fight the cancer. The body's natural defenses against the cancer are restored by using the substances produced by the body or prepared in the lab.
The patients that are allowed to take the clinical trials are the ones that have not had any prior medication administered to them or those who have had medication and not gotten better.
To read more pictures of skin cancer
There are various forms of skin cancer treatment. Some treatments are of the standard type and some are clinical trials. The standard treatment is the regular methods that we are currently using and the clinical trials are part of the cancer research program. Visit Skin Rashes Photos.
Below are the four types of standard skin cancer treatments that are used:
Under surgery we have a few types such as:
Simple Excision where the tumor is cut from the skin along with some normal skin along with it.
Shave Excision the abnormal area is shaved off using a small blade.
Cryosurgery is a type of treatment also known as cryotherapy, in which abnormal tissues are frozen and destroyed as in carcinoma in situ.
Laser surgery Bloodless cuts in the tissue are made by using a narrow beam of intense light(laser), which is used to remove the tumor.
This type of skin cancer treatment stops and kills the cancer cells by using high energy x-rays and other radiation. This radition is internal as well as external depending on the stage that the cancer has advanced to.
{Chemotheraphy: is the form of treatment that uses a drug to stop the cells from dividing or to kill the cells.| Chemotheraphy: is the form of treatment that stops the cells from dividing or kills the cells by using a drug. Chemotheraphy involving application of cream or lotion is for melanoma skin cancer and actinic keratosis.
Retinoids: The uses of retinoids are still being studied in the clinical trials and are given sometimes to treat or prevent nonmelanoma skin cancer. Retinnoids can be injected to skin or taken through mouth.
Photodynamic Therapy: This type of cancer treatment uses a drug and a laser light to kill the cancer germs. The drug that is injected into the veins does not become active till it is exposed to the light. Skin cancer treatment are made effective by exposing the skin to light thereby enhancing the effect of drug. The drug mostly settles in the cancer cells. This kind of therapy causes a bit of damage to the healthy tissue.
The above are some of the standard methods for skin cancer treatment that are being used to kill the cancer germs.. The clinical trials are the alternate form of skin cancer treatment. One such feature of this clinical trial is
Biologic therapy: also known as biotherapy or immunotherapy; patient's immune system is used to fight the cancer. The body's natural defenses against the cancer are restored by using the substances produced by the body or prepared in the lab.
The patients that are allowed to take the clinical trials are the ones that have not had any prior medication administered to them or those who have had medication and not gotten better.
To read more pictures of skin cancer