Business & Finance Personal Finance

Why Does Everything Cost So Much Money?

Why Does Everything Cost So Much Money? I am talking in general of course things like Utility Bills, gas, water, and electricity, petrol,car insurance,mobile phone bills,internet connections,television extras like Sky and other similar companies,credit Cards and Bank Loans and Charges.
Well I think I have an answer to this question I might be wrong and we could just blame the Government for over spending on the Budget, or blame the Banks for lending us to much money to start with so we all get in serious debt and can not pay them back.
The question we have to ask about is are they really to blame? Of course all the factors contributed to it in the first place but the reality is we are to blame for this financial mess,we are the ones who caused it in the first place.
Here is the reason why.First of all most households now have two working people it is not like it was where the wife stayed at home and looked after the children, this is the start of the financial struggle.If you have 2 people working usually that means 2 lots of transport cars,scooters [], or public transport costs,which also mean two lots of fuel and two lots of insurance and road tax.Then everyone has a house with furniture and televisions and a mobile phone each.Next the children come along and they need clothes and feeding,when they get older they want console games and mobile phones and computers or laptops and the designer clothes.
So whats my point in stating these facts? Lets look at the big picture.If everybody does this which 90% of families do. It means that we buy double the amount fuel for our transport double road tax double insurance,we also buy twice as many mobile phones and televisions and clothes and games consoles the list is endless of how much extra things we buy for our daily lives.
This means that the companies that give us these services have to make more products to compensate for the extra business, which means more transport more utility costs more staff wages for these companies in the long-term they make a profit and put the prices up to make more profit.
The fuel companies get a bigger demand for more fuel which then puts the cost of fuel up across the Globe.The utilities water,gas,electricity companies get a surge every morning when people get ready for work and in the evening when people return home from work and children come home from school, this is when everyone makes food and in the evening people put the kettle on for a cup of tea or coffee,plus in the evenings the plasma televisions which most have more that one get turned on and the games consoles,computers and other electrical items get switched on.People rush around using washing machines to get their clothes ready for the next day and then most have a dishwasher because it is quicker than washing the pots.Which in turn uses more Water and Gas to heat the water,plus most households have central heating installed,all these factors put more of a strain on our utilities and the companies then compensate with putting up the costs.
Here is the facts of how it works we get paid more money because two people are working in the household,which in turn puts more strain on businesses,fuel companies,utility companies,government agencies [highways agencies etc] to give us a better service,which then puts the price up to compensate for the cost of living.
This now affects the Banks the business borrow from the banks to improve services because of the demand.We also borrow from the Banks and credit card companies to buy the products or to pay the bills, we re mortgage and borrow more and more to keep up with the neighbors and the latest trends.
Banks say yes to our demands because they make a profit on our loans,Credit Cards are offering better interest to get more people to borrow,this then makes them more profit,everything has a roll on effect.
Then we find ourselves in Debt,living above our means people can not afford the repayments on Loans and Credit Cards.They can not borrow more because they are now a risk and the Banks will not take a gamble to get them out of the financial mess they are in.Bankruptcy is the next step the Banks lose money because the Debt is not being paid.
Next step Government has to bail out the Banks because of the massive losses they have made,our taxes go up to compensate the massive loss in Government funds.Business struggle to get backing from the Banks to get loans to make more profit.Businesses start having to make cuts to compensate for loss.Unemployment rises.
Eventually everything balances and we come out of Recession but at a cost of Taxes going up and Banks being more aware of lending policies,basically if they are not guaranteed that their money is safe they will not lend.
The reason we everything costs so much money is our own fault,we caused this to happen with our demand in daily life the Banks contributed by letting us borrow in the first place.But it is our own selfish lifestyle that made this happen.
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