Do you believe everything you read from the so called "experts" in any field? I'm not an expert.
Before you continue reading, I'm not going to tell you what to buy and what to not, nor I'm going to give you a subtle review on an internet opportunity to later trick you into buying what I recommend.
Truth is, I'm not even going to recommend any program at all...
just going to give you a few pointers that may help you make the right decision.
The internet is filled with "Get rich quick" programs that promise you the riches in a short period of time.
They are everywhere; from $19.
95 to $49,000...
they all promise you the same thing.
And lots of it.
We are not going to talk about cheap programs (the ones that sell for less than $50) cause it's not even worth it (no investment of $50 will make you rich...
guaranteed!) but I thought I share a few thoughts on the programs that cost over $1000 to join.
These programs are called High Ticket affiliate programs.
High Ticket programs are everywhere.
You can't miss them.
You click on a nice looking add and you are taken to a very colourful website that claims you can make more money in one month than what've you can probably make all year long.
Nice looking pictures of cars, houses, executives, beaches,...
powerful visuals that remind you who you are and what you want to be.
Lots of emotions take place.
There is usually no product for sale, you know that, but since there are a lot of success stories (the one with the grandma and the college dropout is always there) we don't really care.
Also we are reinforced that we can actually duplicate their success (if a grandma has done it, I sure can too).
Next is the price.
The price is what definitely triggers us to join these programs.
Why? Because they are so bloody expensive.
$1000 or $2000 or $3995...
that's a lot of money for an internet business.
I mean, people sell businesses in a box for $19, 95...
so an entrance fee of $4000...
that's got to be a serious business...
yeah right *sigh*.
They promise everything; you don't have to do no selling, no prospecting, no advertising, and no talking to your family...
(What the hell they want you to do then?).
It all sounds too good to be true...
but we don't care.
We feel ashamed to talk to our relatives or friends about it because we feel it's a scam, but we still think about that grandma making $15,000 a month! So, we purchase the program! Now we have a system that does all the work for us (still don't know what the hell we have to do) and the only thing we are told to do is to wait while the system makes cash for us.
Do we make that cash? Well, after 5 years of experience in online business...
I'm yet to make one single sale.
I have purchase all the high ticket programs.
Spent more than $20,000 and I have to say NONE of them have worked for me.
I'm sure there are some people who've made money with these sites, but not me.
Maybe they are more intelligent, brilliant or creative than me, all of them, but I can say that I have not made a dime.
Why? Because I didn't know what I was supposed to do.
All the money I've made online I'm responsible for in one way or the other.
This means, I have been involved somehow in the process of making cash for myself.
Whether is my product or somebody else's, I've ADDED something to achieve success.
Be it advertising, emailing, selling...
but if you want to be successful, you have to get involved in the process.
In making money in any business, there's a combination of factors such as advertising, product, selling, marketing...
you must master at least one of those factors and maybe rely on other experts to help you in other areas.
But never "buy" a business and let other people run it for you while you sit down.
It's your business, YOU have to RUN it.
Before you continue reading, I'm not going to tell you what to buy and what to not, nor I'm going to give you a subtle review on an internet opportunity to later trick you into buying what I recommend.
Truth is, I'm not even going to recommend any program at all...
just going to give you a few pointers that may help you make the right decision.
The internet is filled with "Get rich quick" programs that promise you the riches in a short period of time.
They are everywhere; from $19.
95 to $49,000...
they all promise you the same thing.
And lots of it.
We are not going to talk about cheap programs (the ones that sell for less than $50) cause it's not even worth it (no investment of $50 will make you rich...
guaranteed!) but I thought I share a few thoughts on the programs that cost over $1000 to join.
These programs are called High Ticket affiliate programs.
High Ticket programs are everywhere.
You can't miss them.
You click on a nice looking add and you are taken to a very colourful website that claims you can make more money in one month than what've you can probably make all year long.
Nice looking pictures of cars, houses, executives, beaches,...
powerful visuals that remind you who you are and what you want to be.
Lots of emotions take place.
There is usually no product for sale, you know that, but since there are a lot of success stories (the one with the grandma and the college dropout is always there) we don't really care.
Also we are reinforced that we can actually duplicate their success (if a grandma has done it, I sure can too).
Next is the price.
The price is what definitely triggers us to join these programs.
Why? Because they are so bloody expensive.
$1000 or $2000 or $3995...
that's a lot of money for an internet business.
I mean, people sell businesses in a box for $19, 95...
so an entrance fee of $4000...
that's got to be a serious business...
yeah right *sigh*.
They promise everything; you don't have to do no selling, no prospecting, no advertising, and no talking to your family...
(What the hell they want you to do then?).
It all sounds too good to be true...
but we don't care.
We feel ashamed to talk to our relatives or friends about it because we feel it's a scam, but we still think about that grandma making $15,000 a month! So, we purchase the program! Now we have a system that does all the work for us (still don't know what the hell we have to do) and the only thing we are told to do is to wait while the system makes cash for us.
Do we make that cash? Well, after 5 years of experience in online business...
I'm yet to make one single sale.
I have purchase all the high ticket programs.
Spent more than $20,000 and I have to say NONE of them have worked for me.
I'm sure there are some people who've made money with these sites, but not me.
Maybe they are more intelligent, brilliant or creative than me, all of them, but I can say that I have not made a dime.
Why? Because I didn't know what I was supposed to do.
All the money I've made online I'm responsible for in one way or the other.
This means, I have been involved somehow in the process of making cash for myself.
Whether is my product or somebody else's, I've ADDED something to achieve success.
Be it advertising, emailing, selling...
but if you want to be successful, you have to get involved in the process.
In making money in any business, there's a combination of factors such as advertising, product, selling, marketing...
you must master at least one of those factors and maybe rely on other experts to help you in other areas.
But never "buy" a business and let other people run it for you while you sit down.
It's your business, YOU have to RUN it.