Diagnosing Heart Disease:
Every professional has tools of their trade. For Cardiologists there are hosts of diagnostics that help them determine the extent of your heart disease. The Cardiologists at Beloit Health System recommend you talk to your doctor about your risk factors for heart disease. Your doctor or cardiologist might recommend any of the following tests.
Blood pressure reading:
An estimated one in three adult Americans has high blood pressure, a major risk factor for heart disease that has no symptoms. Getting your blood pressure tested is simple and fast. A blood pressure cuff inflated over your upper arm is used to measure the force of blood in your arteries as your heart beats (systolic pressure) and relaxes between beats (diastolic pressure).
Cholesterol screening:
High cholesterol is another major risk factor for heart disease that shows no warning signs, so it is important to get a cholesterol screening. A lipid profile is a blood test that generally requires fasting for 12 hours before the test. The results show your total cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein (HDL or €good€ cholesterol), low-density lipoprotein (LDL or €bad€ cholesterol) and triglyceride levels. These levels help predict your risk of having plaque buildup that may narrow or block your arteries.
Electrocardiogram (also called an EKG or ECG):
An EKG uses electrodes (small adhesive patches) placed on your arms, legs and chest to monitor the heart's electrical activity. An EKG displays the heart's electrical signals and can reveal irregular heartbeats, heart muscle damage and blood flow problems.
This ultrasound test changes sound waves into images, allowing doctors to view the heart and examine how well it is pumping, as well as look for valve problems and signs of heart failure.
Holter monitor:
If your doctor needs to monitor your heart over a longer span than with a regular EKG, you may need to wear a Holter monitor around your neck or waist. This small, battery-operated device works much like a regular EKG machine, but is portable and can monitor the heart's electrical activity for 24 hours (or longer time periods) while you go about your normal daily activities.
Stress test:
To find out how well your heart performs under physical stress or exertion, you may be given an EKG while exercising on a treadmill. Or you may be given medication that causes the heart to work harder and beat faster. This is called a stress test, and it can help doctors discover whether your arteries are supplying enough blood to your heart
Coronary catheterization (angiogram, angiography or arteriography):
During these types of tests, a thin, flexible tube is threaded through a blood vessel in your groin or arm to your heart. Fluid injected through the tube allows any possible blood flow problems and/or blockages to be viewed on an X-ray.
Electrophysiology study (also called an EPS):
During an EPS, wires or electrodes are inserted in the groin and guided through a catheter to the heart, where they can monitor the heart's electrical activity. This can help determine what may be causing an abnormal heart rhythm.
Peripheral arterial studies:
A peripheral arterial study is an ultrasound study assessing the flow of blood into your legs and is very accurate in determining the amount of blood flow to your legs.
Venous studies and mapping:
Using ultrasound, we can map and diagram venous clots in the upper and lower extremities. This study evaluates the veins for the presence or absence of deep vein thrombosis, and provides information regarding superficial veins.
Knowledge and Action Are Powerful Tools:
Knowing your risk factors and following a heart-healthy lifestyle can help keep your heart running at its best. To learn more about your heart health, talk to your Primary Care Provider or the Cardiologists at Beloit Health System or NorthPointe by calling 608-364-5205.
Every professional has tools of their trade. For Cardiologists there are hosts of diagnostics that help them determine the extent of your heart disease. The Cardiologists at Beloit Health System recommend you talk to your doctor about your risk factors for heart disease. Your doctor or cardiologist might recommend any of the following tests.
Blood pressure reading:
An estimated one in three adult Americans has high blood pressure, a major risk factor for heart disease that has no symptoms. Getting your blood pressure tested is simple and fast. A blood pressure cuff inflated over your upper arm is used to measure the force of blood in your arteries as your heart beats (systolic pressure) and relaxes between beats (diastolic pressure).
Cholesterol screening:
High cholesterol is another major risk factor for heart disease that shows no warning signs, so it is important to get a cholesterol screening. A lipid profile is a blood test that generally requires fasting for 12 hours before the test. The results show your total cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein (HDL or €good€ cholesterol), low-density lipoprotein (LDL or €bad€ cholesterol) and triglyceride levels. These levels help predict your risk of having plaque buildup that may narrow or block your arteries.
Electrocardiogram (also called an EKG or ECG):
An EKG uses electrodes (small adhesive patches) placed on your arms, legs and chest to monitor the heart's electrical activity. An EKG displays the heart's electrical signals and can reveal irregular heartbeats, heart muscle damage and blood flow problems.
This ultrasound test changes sound waves into images, allowing doctors to view the heart and examine how well it is pumping, as well as look for valve problems and signs of heart failure.
Holter monitor:
If your doctor needs to monitor your heart over a longer span than with a regular EKG, you may need to wear a Holter monitor around your neck or waist. This small, battery-operated device works much like a regular EKG machine, but is portable and can monitor the heart's electrical activity for 24 hours (or longer time periods) while you go about your normal daily activities.
Stress test:
To find out how well your heart performs under physical stress or exertion, you may be given an EKG while exercising on a treadmill. Or you may be given medication that causes the heart to work harder and beat faster. This is called a stress test, and it can help doctors discover whether your arteries are supplying enough blood to your heart
Coronary catheterization (angiogram, angiography or arteriography):
During these types of tests, a thin, flexible tube is threaded through a blood vessel in your groin or arm to your heart. Fluid injected through the tube allows any possible blood flow problems and/or blockages to be viewed on an X-ray.
Electrophysiology study (also called an EPS):
During an EPS, wires or electrodes are inserted in the groin and guided through a catheter to the heart, where they can monitor the heart's electrical activity. This can help determine what may be causing an abnormal heart rhythm.
Peripheral arterial studies:
A peripheral arterial study is an ultrasound study assessing the flow of blood into your legs and is very accurate in determining the amount of blood flow to your legs.
Venous studies and mapping:
Using ultrasound, we can map and diagram venous clots in the upper and lower extremities. This study evaluates the veins for the presence or absence of deep vein thrombosis, and provides information regarding superficial veins.
Knowledge and Action Are Powerful Tools:
Knowing your risk factors and following a heart-healthy lifestyle can help keep your heart running at its best. To learn more about your heart health, talk to your Primary Care Provider or the Cardiologists at Beloit Health System or NorthPointe by calling 608-364-5205.