Acne scars appear when spots become inflamed or become unable to heal properly. This happens when you meddle, touch or irritate it needlessly. Pricking may also lead to acne scarring. In some cases, however, genetics is also a significant factor in this case.
Maintain a healthy lifestyle You should always keep your face and body, moisturized and fresh. A very good acne remedy is to take a bath regularly and wash your face regularly with a chemical-free face-wash. When sweat appears on your face, do not wipe your face vigorously; instead you should make use of a wet tissue to clean your face gently. To cure acne or stop its occurrence, you can make use of specially developed soaps and face wash for acne-prone skin. After washing your face, do not forget to apply a good moisturizer.
Water keeps the skin moisturized and healthy. It also flushes out the bad elements from your body. It is therefore highly recommended that you drink at least 8 glasses of water every day. Other liquids that are great for acne scar treatment include coconut juice and citric fruit juice. You can use coconut juice as a cream by mixing it with lettuce. Citric fruit juices such as lemon juice removes dead cells thus, regenerates your skin. Use cotton ball to apply it directly to your skin. Wash it off with water after a few minutes.
Skin that is damaged by acne scars requires very gentle products. Make sure you choose cleansers or lotions that are not abrasive. If you wash your face too roughly or use abrasive products, your skin will become even more irritated. You should also make sure to use sunscreen that is oil-free whenever you venture outside. Oil-based products will clog your pores even further and make the acne even worse.
Eat anti-oxidant rich vegetables and fruits
Go organic to achieve long term health benefits. Take lots of anti-oxidant rich vegetables and fruits daily, use olive oil often in meal preparation and cooking.
Eat lots of good fish which contains omega fatty acids for a firmer skin. Salmon, tuna and sardines are some good fish to enhance your skin.
Dermatological Surgery. This is a treatment that is administered on severe type of such skin disease and it has been medically proven to have produced lot of incredible results. Based on the type of the skin, you will be able to tell the skin doctor the kind of surgery to administer upon your skin.
Do not be tempted to touch, poke or squeeze the acne or the pimple. It is quite understandable that the person in this state has a strong psychological urge to get rid of the pimple as it releases the pressure and gives relief. This relief will however, be-short lived as the body will have to get into healing mode for the open wound you have created. This causes the formation of scars. The damage does not stop here; you have now made yourself susceptible to spread of infection giving rise to additional acne and pimples.
Maintain a healthy lifestyle You should always keep your face and body, moisturized and fresh. A very good acne remedy is to take a bath regularly and wash your face regularly with a chemical-free face-wash. When sweat appears on your face, do not wipe your face vigorously; instead you should make use of a wet tissue to clean your face gently. To cure acne or stop its occurrence, you can make use of specially developed soaps and face wash for acne-prone skin. After washing your face, do not forget to apply a good moisturizer.
Water keeps the skin moisturized and healthy. It also flushes out the bad elements from your body. It is therefore highly recommended that you drink at least 8 glasses of water every day. Other liquids that are great for acne scar treatment include coconut juice and citric fruit juice. You can use coconut juice as a cream by mixing it with lettuce. Citric fruit juices such as lemon juice removes dead cells thus, regenerates your skin. Use cotton ball to apply it directly to your skin. Wash it off with water after a few minutes.
Skin that is damaged by acne scars requires very gentle products. Make sure you choose cleansers or lotions that are not abrasive. If you wash your face too roughly or use abrasive products, your skin will become even more irritated. You should also make sure to use sunscreen that is oil-free whenever you venture outside. Oil-based products will clog your pores even further and make the acne even worse.
Eat anti-oxidant rich vegetables and fruits
Go organic to achieve long term health benefits. Take lots of anti-oxidant rich vegetables and fruits daily, use olive oil often in meal preparation and cooking.
Eat lots of good fish which contains omega fatty acids for a firmer skin. Salmon, tuna and sardines are some good fish to enhance your skin.
Dermatological Surgery. This is a treatment that is administered on severe type of such skin disease and it has been medically proven to have produced lot of incredible results. Based on the type of the skin, you will be able to tell the skin doctor the kind of surgery to administer upon your skin.
Do not be tempted to touch, poke or squeeze the acne or the pimple. It is quite understandable that the person in this state has a strong psychological urge to get rid of the pimple as it releases the pressure and gives relief. This relief will however, be-short lived as the body will have to get into healing mode for the open wound you have created. This causes the formation of scars. The damage does not stop here; you have now made yourself susceptible to spread of infection giving rise to additional acne and pimples.