- If you have a herniated disc, you will need to rest for a certain period of time. Rest prevents further aggravation of your injury. It also provides time to reduce inflammation and pain with ice treatments. Ice should be used within the first 48 hours of herniated disc pain. Ice is most effective if it is compressed directly against your injured area. Once you see that the initial swelling has subsided, you can start using heat (i.e. heating pad) to promote blood flow to your bulging disc area. Blood contains healing properties that will accelerate your recovery.
- Once you start using ice, you should also take an anti-inflammatory medication like naproxen or ibuprofen to reduce inflammation and pain in your herniated disc. These over-the-counter drugs are Cox-2 inhibitors. They reduce swelling and pain by limiting the production of Cox-2 enzymes and prostaglandins (chemicals), the body's natural inflammatory response to injuries. If your pain is more severe and basic medications are not helping your herniated disc, a doctor may prescribe steroids or even muscle relaxants to assuage your pain and symptoms.
- Massage and exercise can help promote blood flow to your herniated disc and help heal it. Massage loosens up muscles tissues around your herniated disc. You can either let someone periodically rub your back or see a massage therapist. Stretching and building strength in the lower back and adjacent muscles can help support your herniated disc and alleviate pressure. The following exercises are recommended for people with herniated discs: (Unless otherwise specified, complete 10 repetitions of each exercise and hold each movement for 5 seconds.)
Try bouncing on an exercise ball (or firm mattress) while seated. According to chiropractor Dr. Ron Daulton Jr., in his Healyourbulgingdisc.com article entitled "Exercises for Herniated Disc," bouncing on a ball "pumps every disc in your spine, which brings new oxygen and nutrients into the disc for faster healing."
Lie on the floor and pull both knees toward your chest. Also, pull one knee toward the chest at a time while extending the other leg. These help stretch muscles and joints in the lower back and hips.
Lie on the floor (knees up), and press your back to the floor. Then tighten your buttocks.
Kneel on a mat, brace your hands and lift one leg behind you as far as you can. Repeat with other leg.
You can also do leg lifts to build strength in your abdomen. Any exercise you do for your abdomen or buttocks will better help support your lower back.
Rest, Ice & Heat
Massage & Exercise