Health & Medical Nutrition

Hunger Facts

Surely you have had moments when you feel that you are so hungry you could devour all of the refrigerator, or you had the feeling that even though you are hungry and you just eaten already feeling full stomach (sensations that can be very difficult mostly controlled by people who try to keep a diet to lose weight).
Before you continue to eat to appease your hunger, you ever stop to think that we do not really hungry? But, perhaps without knowing you are addicted to certain chemicals in the food! Or, if you are "hungry" many other things in your life that do not meet or do not result to be that you love you! In a world where we do everything in a rush and stress of what's happening around us, to get hungry is something more you get confused during the day, whose solution usually can not defer to resist overeating.
But, unfortunately for some, we are not robots that can be charged with "energy" once a week or a month, like a car, but our body needs daily to "fuel.
" Because of such delays, abuse and emotional problems, unhealthy food, the appetite comes to be seriously disturbed.
Thus it became difficult to distinguish when we are hungry for that indeed the nutrients our body needs daily and it seems that only when we are hungry and we "stuffed" useless.
To make a distinction between them constructive, it is best to understand what is the mechanism of hunger and under what conditions can occur as false sensations.
Hunger is the natural control of appetite and stomach is one that gives the brain signals through its movements is empty when it was time to eat.
Normally, when you eat and your stomach is full, that hunger should be completely diminished.
But usually, we tend to eat more than required because stomach hunger do not diminish completely.
Or is that our desire to eat something, although not required in the stomach.
Lust is a special kind of hunger, which naturally should indicate what nutrients our body want and I need to eat that kind of food to supplement any deficiency.
Unfortunately, chemicals in food cause serious disorders and addictive at this level that we do not acknowledge them, but that we define as lust.
And we get to be all sorts of food cravings very harmful to our health.
The only solution is to break this cycle of addiction through healthy foods.
My advice is to be well-informed about this hunger facts and try to adopt the vegetarian diet lifestyle.
Reasoning must be solid, and it is crucial to know how to combine dishes so you get all the nutrients needed for good functioning of the body.
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