Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

Best Infertility Doctor

When Should I Consult the Best Infertility Doctor? After several months of unsuccessfully trying to conceive, you are probably wondering if it's time to consult the best infertility doctor.
Many couples mistakenly believe that the infertility problems they are experiencing are rare, and may be embarrassed and/or blaming themselves.
This is the farthest thing from the truth - as many as 1 in 6 couples will have similar troubles when trying to conceive.
Furthermore, there is nothing to ashamed of.
Advancements in the health field have allowed more and more women in the 30's and 40's to get pregnant, and corresponding, infertility treatments have increased dramatically in response.
Women of advancing age are not the only ones seeking out the best infertility doctor.
Several other conditions exist that can cause infertility issues beyond the woman's normal means of control.
For example, polycystic ovarian syndrome is a very common hormonal disorder found in women of child-bearing age.
Yet another contributing factor is low progesterone.
Additionally, fertility issues in men are equally problematic.
Men can experience low sperm count, concentration, and motility, as well as ejaculation disorders.
It may not be easy at first to pinpoint the cause of a couple's infertility issues, as there are so many physical components at play.
If you decide to see a specialist, after the initial consultation the best infertility doctor will do complete physical exams on both partners.
He or she will also review your sexual history, to check for poorly-timed intercourse habits or other red flags.
Next, the doctor will try to determine the cause or causes of the infertility, and may prescribe medication intended to treat the most likely culprit.
Finally, if all else fails, an IVF procedure may be a final attempt to initiate conception.
As a side note, keep in mind that these specialists, while well-meaning, are often limited to the medical treatments and procedures required by their profession.
They are not required to inform patients of natural products, which are both less-invasive AND more affordable.
That said, using the best fertility doctor should be a last resort.
It is recommended that alternative treatments are attempted first...
such as herbal and vitamin supplements which have been shown to increase fertility in both men and women.
A common cause of infertility is a lack of key vitamins and minerals.
In addition, both partners should participate in a healthy lifestyle consisting of nutrient-rich foods, and a stress-relieving exercise program such as yoga.
If you overlook these basic steps, it is likely that not even the best infertility doctor can effectively treat you.
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