Business & Finance Personal Finance


No work,unemploymed people around 30%,all around us are the daily depression.But we hope thatthe economy'swill go up. €People often wait for others to take them to their next career move, but smart networkers take themselves,€ says Robyn Henderson, co-author of Strategic Networking. Here, how you can too.
1 Feel€¦ the fear

Stepping out of your comfort zone is, uncomfortable, but if you want to succeed you have to embrace fear as if it's a life-size Hugh Jackman model made of chocolate, says Dr Suzy Green, WH stress less expert and psychologist. €It's a sign that you're growing and pushing yourself.€ People who shoot the lights out take risks: Boost Juice founder Janine Allis was so concerned she'd lose the family home because of the business, she sold it and funnelled the profit back into Boost. Now there are 189 stores. You just need to harness your nerves and do it!
2 Find€¦ your calling

Don't quite know what to do? Start with a broad passion and narrow it down, suggests career coach Domonique Bertolucci. €Don't begin with a title, description or salary, but how you want to feel in your next job. Excited, challenged, less stressed? And what kind of work you want: one long project, with a team, on your own, or in a position of responsibility?€ says Bertolucci. When you've found the right environment, identify its roles and choose the one for you.
3 Fill€¦ the gaps

Tap into your talents and find out what skills, knowledge and coping ability you need for your move. €If there's a knowledge gap, do what's necessary to fill it,€ says Dr Green. But be committed: NASA astronauts do 1000 hours of piloting a jet aircraft. For example.
4 Form€¦ a plan

Set aside an hour a week to do this, suggests Bertolucci: €Write your professional bio as if you were at the next stage of your career.€ Then list short-term (this week, this month, this year) and long-term goals; detail the steps you'll need to take to achieve them. Make 'em realistic and measurable. (Turn off your phone and email while you're doing it.)
5 Fix€¦ yourself

€If you acknowledge you're in a rut, everyone around you will think you are too,€ says Andrew May, author of Between Jobs: A Redundancy Survival Guide. May advises amping up your health and fitness regimen: €It signals to others that you're trying to improve yourself.€ May's also seen people better their careers by learning a language or instrument. €Take on an extracurricular activity; it will help you think more creatively,€ he explains. And you'll have something interesting to say on Mondays.
6 Network

According to a survey of 1804 owners and managers by MYOB, nearly six out of 10 businesses fill staff vacancies by recruiting friends and family of current employees. A further 27 per cent of new staffers are hired because they're recommended by associates. Even if you're not looking to €fill a vacancy€, it pays to mix with high achievers. Have coffee with people - mentors - who work in the field you're aspiring to. €In confidence, ask their advice on how to achieve your career goals,€ explains Henderson. A study in Science found people rated others 11 per cent €warmer€ if they met them while holding a cup of coffee.
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