Health & Medical Nutrition

Cook at Home Because Your Health Depends on It

Your body is a chemical factory and it takes raw material, food, and makes a product, your body.
Your body literally takes broccoli, or a candy bar, and converts it into heart, liver and skin cells.
Food powers your muscles so you can walk, talk, and think.
Food gives your body the energy it needs to carry out all of its functions.
When you buy packaged and manufactured foods, you are allowing someone else to determine the quality and type of raw material to create your body.
You ingest a lot of chemicals and preservatives that are of no use to your body.
With manufactured foods, you have no control over the quantity of fat, salt and sugar and you have no control over freshness, nutrition, and fiber.
If a factory makes its product with inferior raw materials, it will produce an inferior product.
Perhaps one that won't even function properly.
If you eat poor quality, inferior foods, your body won't function properly.
World-class athletes monitor every thing they eat.
They can't afford a bad performance.
It's been proven that what you eat affects your health.
Most adult-onset diabetes can be prevented, and controlled, with diet.
Many heart attacks could have been prevented entirely if the patients had eaten different foods.
If you could put a dollar amount on your body, would you take better care of it? What is high energy level and good health worth to you? If you can't put a value on good health, you can easily price the cost of poor health in terms of doctors, medications, hospital stays, missed work etc.
If you want to maintain or improve your health, buy nutritious foods and cook them yourself.
Do you have a pet you adore? Like many pet owners, my cat is like my child.
I'm very careful about how much and what I feed him because I want him to stay healthy.
I even monitor his treats.
I'm sure you do the same for your furry friends.
Do you pay attention to your own food choices as carefully as you do your pets' food? I'll bet you take better care of your car than you do your body.
Most cars require unleaded gas to run.
If you put diesel fuel in your car, it will most likely clog the fuel lines, damage the engine, and, if it runs at all, will give you very poor performance.
I'm quite certain you wouldn't intentionally fill your car up with diesel; that action would be too costly and time-consuming to fix.
Likewise, it you want to get the best performance out of your body then you must give it the best fuel.
Like your car, a sick body is too costly and time-consuming to fix.
If you want to gain control over your health, energy and stamina than you are going to have to stop relying so heavily on manufactured, processed and fast foods.
You pay a price for all of the instant, packaged, fast foods you eat.
What you save in time you lose in nutrition and eventually good health.
There is no other solution; you are going to have to do some cooking.
When you buy fresh ingredients and cook them yourself, you have complete control over the raw materials for your body.
You only get one body, if you treat it like a thoroughbred the odds are it will run like one.
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