Health & Medical Medicine

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Drug Side Effects

Nearly all Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) drugs leave the patient with side effects.
In certain situations it has been reported that these side effects are just as bad, and in some cases worse, than the actual symptoms of ADHD in the first place.
But does this statement ring true and if so, what are the reasons for it? To begin to understand this statement we must first try to understand how ADHD symptoms and ADHD drug side effects, differ.
First of all, the symptoms of ADHD can include any or all of the following, in no particular order: a lack of attention to detail, hyperactivity, becoming easily bored or fed up and possibly aggressive, not listening carefully and interrupting frequently during a conversation.
The symptoms could make a child to seem rude, hyperactive and antagonistic, but these all depend on how severe the condition presents itself as every child reacts in a different manner.
A few children only exhibit minor attention difficulties, and yet others are liable to become disruptive and aggressive.
Now, for ADHD drugs side effects, some of the following could be prevalent: weight loss, upset stomach, insomnia, mood changes and headaches.
Clearly the one side effect that really stands out is the mood swings as ADHD symptoms in the main include the disposition of a child.
There are a few drugs that cause a child to develop more aggressive behaviour than before the drug was taken.
This has a lot to do with the effect of the drugs wearing off, and the consequences this has on the body could cause a worse reaction as soon as the drug effect has worn off.
But are the side effects associated with ADHD drugs a problem? Well, at this moment in time, the benefits of ADHD drugs for the most part far outweigh any disadvantages that could occur.
In saying this though, it's entirely feasible for a child on ADHD drugs to suffer severe side effects.
As with all ADHD medication, it is highly probable that one side effect at least, will be experienced, but in the main these are mild and do not last for an extended period.
Although the side effects could be mild with ways of alleviating the problem, sometimes the side effects can get so bad that they turn out to be intolerable for the child, as well as and parent.
Another worrying side effect can be insomnia and this has the potential of causing a child to be short-tempered and have even more problems with their concentration.
Stomach problems and headaches do not help matters either.
It's fairly obvious that drugs assist in the management of ADHD symptoms to a certain point but they can also be potentially a cause for worse side effects than the actual symptoms of ADHD.
It is in cases like these that unconventional ADHD treatments such as behavioural therapy and herbal remedies should be looked at.
Be sure to confer with a physician or doctor before discontinuing any ADHD medication to try alternatives.
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