Health & Medical Skin Conditions & Dermatology

Information About Stretch Marks

The number of people attending beauty clinics and dermatology departments is increasing day by day.
Even though skin diseases have a negligible mortality rate, most people are worried about skin problems on account of the social stigma.
A person with a disease involving an internal organ may not be as worried as another suffering from a skin ailment in view of the simple reason that everyone can expressly notice the change in the latter in the form of a distortion or plain ugliness.
STRUCTURE OF THE SKIN The skin has three layers - The outer layer called the epidermis, the inner one called the hypodermis and the dermis in between these two.
The epidermis is made up of keratinocytes and melanocytes.
The dermis contains fibers made up of proteins such as collagen and elastin with a gel like ground substance to fill the gap between the protein fibers.
The inner hypodermis contains fat and connective tissues with blood vessels and nerves.
Collagen: It is a structural protein that forms 80% of connective tissues.
It acts as a cementing substance between body cells.
The rate of tissue repair depends on the production of collagen.
Conditions that hamper collagen formation can delay wound healing.
Elastin: It is also a protein that maintains the elasticity of the skin.
Along with collagen and glycosaminoglycans it forms the connective tissue.
The human skin has got several functions such as protection, heat regulation, water balance, excretion etc.
It supports the deep body structures and is capable of stretching to some extent due to the presence of elastic protein fibers in the dermis.
But too fast enlargement of the body parts cause excessive stretching of the skin, resulting in the breaking of collagen and elastin fibers of the dermis.
This causes a slightly depressed discoloration called stria atrophia or stretch marks.
Initially these marks are slightly pinkish and later become white or silvery in appearance.
FACTORS AFFECTING THE SKIN Certain factors are closely related with the quality of the skin.
The color of the skin changes according to racial and genetic factors.
A healthy skin should be elastic and free from excess dryness.
It should be free from lesions such as eruptions, macules, papules, vesicles, pustules etc.
The following factors are closely related with the quality of skin.
  • Hereditary factors
  • Environmental factors
  • Food intake
  • Nutrition
  • Water intake
  • General health
  • Sensitivity towards external factors
  • Self care
  • Hygiene
  • Mental and emotional status
  • Occupation
  • Life style
SYNONYMS Different terms are used to denote it
  • Striae atrophicae.
  • Vergetures.
  • Striae cutis distensae.
  • Stria gravidarum (stretch marks during pregnancy).
  • Lineae atrophicae.
  • Striae distensae.
  • Linea labicante.
  • Only women are affected by it.
  • Only obese and pregnant ladies get stretch marks.
  • They persist forever.
  • They increase with time.
  • They spread allover the body.
  • Stretch marks indicate ill health.
  • They indicate loss of physical beauty.
  • They can progress to leucoderma.
  • They are contagious.
  1. Both sexes are affected by this skin disorder
  2. People in both extremes of life are affected.
  3. Both obese and slim people get
  4. 70% of teenage girls get it
  5. 90% of pregnant ladies get it
  6. Stretch marks may persist for a long time but become less noticeable later.
  7. Regular exercise prevents stretch marks, whereas vigorous exercise and bodybuilding can result in stretch marks.
  8. Modern treatment methods are effective, but expensive.
  9. Chemical peeling and laser therapy may cause pain and scarring.
  10. Natural methods are cheap and free from side effects.
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