Health & Medical Acne

Get Clear Skin Fast - The Real Reasons You Still Have Acne

The secret for how to get clear skin fast lies in the fact that everything you're doing right now to treat your acne is probably only treating your symptoms.
You can never get clear by treating your symptoms because they won't resolve the real problem that is actually causing your breakouts.
For example, when you're achy, have a fever and are coughing, you don't try to take a spray to stop coughing, take Tylenol for your fever and don't put ointment on your aches and pains; you try to treat the cold or flu that's causing the problems in the first place.
That's it, that's the big secret for how to get clear skin fast.
So why is it so difficult? I don't know really.
We keep getting told the same things over and over again about how we need to wash or how we need to keep spreading chemicals on our faces.
These treatments obviously don't work and haven't worked for years, so why do we keep getting told to do the same exact things over and over again? Do you realize that the definition of insanity is to always do the same thing yet expect different results? What can we do now? Since we know now that we have to stop treating our symptoms, what we can do is begin treating the real problems that are causing our breakouts.
For example, there actually is a proven connection between diet and acne despite what any experts claim.
Such connections are apparent in foods like dairy, red meat, white carbs and refined sugar.
The key for how to get clear skin fast lies in cutting these foods out.
All of these foods cause of bodies to over produce androgen hormones.
These hormones are what cause your acne symptoms in the first place.
Think about it, teens with crazy hormones get acne.
Women who are menstruating have all sorts of hormones in their body and get acne.
Pregnant women who have tons of hormones in their body get breakouts.
Are you noticing anything here?? Anyone who has acne is getting it because of hormones.
That's the key to clearing your acne.
Avoiding these foods is a great start but it is only one aspect of how to get clear skin fast fast.
Things like exercise, drinking plenty of water, getting enough sunlight and having the right mindset are all key in clearing your acne for good.
For me, diet was the most important factor but for you, maybe it's exercise or drinking water.
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