Health & Medical Diseases & Conditions

As intestinal imbalance can lead to IBS

Imagine a tennis court. This is the surface area of the small intestine, where food is absorbed. Your small intestine is also the site of about 60 percent of your immune system. And this sophisticated immune system of the intestine is only one cell layer away from a toxic sewer - all of the bacteria and particles of undigested food in the gut.

If this layer breaks - from stress, many antibiotics or anti-inflammatory drugs like aspirin or Advil, steroids, intestinal infections, a low fiber, the high-sugar diet, alcohol, and more - your immune system will be exposed to foreign particles from food and bacteria and other microbes. This will trigger and activate the immune response, allergy, and will irritate your second brain (the enteric nervous system) creating chaos that leads to an irritable bowel, irritable a brain and other system problems range, including allergies, arthritis, auto- immunity, mood disorders and more.

The microbial ecosystem in the gut must be healthy for you to be healthy. When your gut bacteria are out of balance - when you have many pathogenic bacteria and not enough healthy bacteria - it makes you sick. You have about three pounds of bacteria - 500 species - in your gut. In fact, there are more bacterial DNA in your body than there are human DNA! Among all the bacteria to the intestine, there are good guys, bad guys and very bad.

If the bad guys take over - or if they move into areas that should not (as the small intestine, which is normally sterile) - they can start the fermentation of food you digest, especially foods rich in starch or sugar.

This is called bacterial overgrowth of the small intestine, and is a major cause of IBS.

The main symptom is the swelling that causes or a sensation of fullness after meals. What causes this swelling? Excessive gas production by bacteria like to eat lunch in your lunch!

Small bowel bacterial overgrowth can be diagnosed by a breath test, which measures the production of gas by bacteria or by a urine test that measures the byproducts of the bacteria after being absorbed by your system.

bacterial overgrowth syndrome is a real and was recently described in a review article published in the Journal of American Medical Association. (I) The condition can be treated. Indeed, a role has recently been published in the Annals of Internal Medicine showed that using a non-absorbed antibiotic rifaximin called for 10 days resulted in a dramatic improvement in bloating and overall IBS symptoms by cleaning the growth of bacteria. (Ii) This drug is now under review by the FDA for approval of a new treatment for irritable bowel syndrome.

This is great news for many IBS patients. But unfortunately, not all patients with the same diagnosis are created equal. More than one factor that leads to IBS. Another major cause of IBS is food sensitivities. Not true allergies, but reactions of low-quality foods that lead to many chronic symptoms, including IBS.

A landmark paper was recently published in the prestigious British medical journal Gut found that eliminating foods identified through tests of delayed food allergies (IgG) resulted in significant improvements in symptoms of IBS. (Iii) In another article, an editorial in the American Journal of Gastroenterology, clearly stated that we should respect and recognize the role of food allergies and inflammation in IBS. (Iv)

Thus, the research tells us that these are the two main causes of irritable bowel - food allergies and bacterial growth in the small intestine - but there may be others, including lack of digestive enzymes, parasites that live in the intestine, or zinc deficiency magnesium, heavy metal toxicity, and more.
And this is precisely why it is critically important to customize the treatment based on specific circumstances that exist for each person who suffers from IBS - the solution is certainly not one size fits all. But one can find solutions if we look closely at the causes and treat them.

Learn more about Cure Irritable Bowel Syndrome without any Pills, Potions or crazy Diets. Stop by our site where you can find out all about IBS Eliminated.
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