If you have negative feedback from an Amazon buyer, you have a couple choices:
1. Ask Amazon to remove the negative feedback. However, Amazon can remove the feedback IF and ONLY IF:
> The buyer includes 'profane or obscene' language in his/her comments and/or
> The buyer includes personal information of you or anyone else: an email address, a name, telephone #, etc., and/or
The ENTIRE buyers feedback is a product review.
For FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon) orders ONLY: The ENTIRE feedback is regarding fulfillment or customer service for an FBA Amazon order. Amazon states “Feedback reviewed and determined to be relating explicitly to fulfillment and customer service for an order fulfilled by Amazon will not be removed, but a line will appear through the rating and the statement, "This item was fulfilled by Amazon, and we take responsibility for this fulfillment experience" will be added.” (For more on the eligibility of getting feedback removed from an FBA item, see Amazon.com's official FBA information pages.)
When you log in to your Amazon Seller account, contact Amazon Seller Support to request a feedback removal (remember to be VERY polite in your message to Amazon!).
OR, Instead of Contacting Amazon, you can:
2. Ask the Customer to remove the feedback. Here's how:
a.) Go to: Your Seller Account > Click on “View your Ratings and Feedback” > Click on 'View All Your Feedback'
b.) find the negative feedback, and then click on the 'Rater's' name associated with that feedback.
When you click on the Rater's name, an online form will appear.
c.) In the 'Select a Subject' dropdown, select “Feedback Request” and send the buyer a polite request to remove the feedback.
IMPORTANT: Amazon policy PROHIBITS you (the seller) from including in your message to the customer/buyer: any website link, any logo, any promotional message. Amazon can cancel your account if they catch you doing any of that! When you're sending the email to the customer this way, it goes through Amazon's email servers and system BEFORE it gets to the customer, so they have the right to intercept and read your email if they wish.)
1. Ask Amazon to remove the negative feedback. However, Amazon can remove the feedback IF and ONLY IF:
> The buyer includes 'profane or obscene' language in his/her comments and/or
> The buyer includes personal information of you or anyone else: an email address, a name, telephone #, etc., and/or
The ENTIRE buyers feedback is a product review.
For FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon) orders ONLY: The ENTIRE feedback is regarding fulfillment or customer service for an FBA Amazon order. Amazon states “Feedback reviewed and determined to be relating explicitly to fulfillment and customer service for an order fulfilled by Amazon will not be removed, but a line will appear through the rating and the statement, "This item was fulfilled by Amazon, and we take responsibility for this fulfillment experience" will be added.” (For more on the eligibility of getting feedback removed from an FBA item, see Amazon.com's official FBA information pages.)
When you log in to your Amazon Seller account, contact Amazon Seller Support to request a feedback removal (remember to be VERY polite in your message to Amazon!).
OR, Instead of Contacting Amazon, you can:
2. Ask the Customer to remove the feedback. Here's how:
a.) Go to: Your Seller Account > Click on “View your Ratings and Feedback” > Click on 'View All Your Feedback'
b.) find the negative feedback, and then click on the 'Rater's' name associated with that feedback.
When you click on the Rater's name, an online form will appear.
c.) In the 'Select a Subject' dropdown, select “Feedback Request” and send the buyer a polite request to remove the feedback.
IMPORTANT: Amazon policy PROHIBITS you (the seller) from including in your message to the customer/buyer: any website link, any logo, any promotional message. Amazon can cancel your account if they catch you doing any of that! When you're sending the email to the customer this way, it goes through Amazon's email servers and system BEFORE it gets to the customer, so they have the right to intercept and read your email if they wish.)