Health & Medical Nutrition

Obesity Prevention - Two Simple Rules for a Trouble Free Life

The number of people world wide suffering from obesity and morbid obesity is growing alarmingly according to recent reports and statistics from the World Health Organization and other international bodies dealing with health issues. Such is the extent of the problem that countries once thought to be free are now seeing cases.

There are, however, many people who will never suffer from this worrisome condition. These are the people who practice two of the most important rules for a healthy and trouble free life - eat a nutritious and well balanced diet with plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, and get plenty of regular exercise.

A Well Balanced Diet - the first step to prevention

A nutritious and well balanced diet should consist of meat, chicken and fish all in moderate quantities and with as least fat as possible. Five portions of fresh vegetables and two portions of fresh fruit daily - a must for good health. A glass of fruit juice can replace a portion of fruit.

Other foods that should be included in the diet are whole grain bread, raw nuts, dried fruit such as sultanas, raisins etc. Keep cakes and pastries to an absolute minimum.

Foods to be avoided at all costs are all processed foods (high in salt and fats); fatty and high calorie foods; foods and drinks with excess quantities of sugar; and only drink alcohol in moderation.

Exercise for Weight Loss - the second step to prevention

Regular exercises are just as important and necessary as eating the correct food.

The rule is to exercise for weight loss daily and regularly - either with a constant routine (such as a daily walk) or with a varied routine ( jogging one day, cycling the next, swimming the day after etc.) Light exercise should consist of quick walk for about 45 minutes and should be the minimum for a person who wants to lose weight.

By carrying out these two common sense rules, diet and exercise every day, then a person should never have a problem of being overweight.

Pill to Control Weight

As a supplement to a responsible diet and regular exercises, there are natural pills on the market that claim to help people to reduce weight. Whilst most of these pills are of doubtful quality, a new weight loss pill has come on the market that approaches weight control from an alternative perspective.

This is a pill that controls weight by limiting the amount of fat from a recent meal being stored in the body.

By taking this pill, then no matter how much fat is consumed from a meal, 28% of that fat will not be absorbed into the body but will be ejected by natural means. So if a person is eating food with little fat, then 28% of that fat be will ejected from the body, reducing the amount of fat remaining in the body to an absolute minimum.

This keeps the total amount of body fat under control and prevents any large increase in body weight. When this pill is taken in conjunction with a well balanced diet and daily exercises, then obesity prevention is possible.

What makes this pill different from other natural pills is that the basic ingredient has been proven under strict test conditions to reduce fat intake by 28%. As a result of this it has been approved as an effective weight loss program by the European Union and the UK. It also meets the guidelines set down by the US Food and Drug Administration.

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