Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

How to Identify Pregnancy Nausea

A significant number of women experience morning sickness during the first trimester.
In most cases it can be managed with an array of home and natural techniques.
However, in more serious cases, it is important to call the doctor and seek medical advice and attention.
There are several signs to look for when deciding it is time to visit a medical professional such as vomiting past 6 weeks of pregnancy, inability to gain weight or retain fluids or nutrition (and dehydration), and feeling dizzy or faint from frequent vomiting (also dehydration).
Pregnancy nausea generally subsides after 6 weeks of pregnancy.
If this is continuing beyond 6 weeks then it is important to notify the doctor.
If the nausea is not getting better at this time in-spite of any home techniques being administered then a medical professional should be consulted.
A woman with persistent vomiting can have some dangerous situations arise.
If the woman is feeling dizzy or faint this is a sign to seek assistance.
Dehydration is very dangerous during morning sickness.
If the vomiting is making it difficult to retain food and water then this dehydration can become a serious health issue.
It is imperative to get to the doctor if the woman can't retain food or water for more than 24 hours.
Also, this can lead to an inability to gain weight.
So, if the woman is not gaining any weight during pregnancy and is suffering from nausea and vomiting, a doctor needs to be consulted.
If your morning sickness extends past 6 weeks, you are unable to retain food or water for more than 24 hours, or you are not gaining any weight, it is imperative to consult a medical professional for any assistance.
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