Health & Medical Nutrition

Lose Weight Without the Diet

Everybody wants to lose weight.
But nobody wants to diet.
Even those who are on dieting do not like it much, to say the least.
But the good news is that weight reduction is possible without dieting.
Want to know how? Read on! Save Starch Food for Dinner To lose weight it is not necessary to cut on your favorite foods.
Starch-rich foods like potatoes, rice, pasta, bread, cereals etc unquestionably make you gain weight.
But people hate potatoes are rare.
So, how to control weight gain without sacrificing the tasty starch-rich foods.
It is very easy.
Just save them for your dinner.
During the day you can eat meat, vegetables, salads, fruits, dairy foods etc.
Reserve pasta and potatoes for dinner.
Food products that are rich in starch do not result in weight gain if they are taken much later in the evening.
Juggle Junk-Food Timings Are you a junk-food addict? If anybody advises you to avoid junk food completely to not to gain weight, you can have a hearty laugh.
You can eat your favorite junk food without gaining weight.
Just juggle the timings that you eat junk food.
If you eat the junk food for your breakfast you would be carrying those extra calories all through the day.
Eat your favorite junk foods at dinnertime.
Bad foods have little effect when they are taken for dinner.
Another easier way to diminish the adverse effect of junk foods is to exercise just before you take them.
After exercising your metabolism is at a high rate and it can handle the extra calories your favorite junk foods the best way.
Moreover just after exercising your appetite would be very less.
You would eat very less of that junk food if you eat them just after your workouts.
Even in junk foods you have the option of selecting the better of two evils.
Yes, go for non-starch food items and try to avoid starch-rich items.
Cakes, pasta, bread, pizza and biscuits are very rich in starch content.
Instead of them go for less starch items like chocolates, custards, yogurts, fried chicken etc.
This way you can eat your favorite junk food with no adverse effect on your weight.
To lose weight you need not sacrifice the junk food you like completely.
Take them at dinnertime and after exercising, you would not gain weight that much.
And restrict your junk intake just once per day for better results.
Never Diet Complete avoidance of your favorite foods is not all necessary for weight lose.
If you are on strict dieting you may get instantaneous weight loss.
But it will not last long.
Once you are off dieting you would gain weight that too more vigorously.
Why sacrifice your favorite foods to gain weight in the end? Instead of completely avoiding your favorite foods just measure what you eat and when you eat.
You will lose weight the healthy way.
Here are some more tips to help you lose weight without dieting.
oHave a lot of vegetables for your lunch.
Salad rich lunch is very healthy.
Let your soup be rich with vegetables than creams.
Please avoid unhealthy salads rich in dressing.
Go for Italian salad, French salad or Greek salad.
Lunchtime meal rich in vegetables is an easy way to control your calories intake without losing essential nutrients.
oWhen you are thirsty, just drink water.
Soft drinks are heavily loaded with empty calories.
Do you know even fresh fruit juices are rich in calories? Take coffee or tea instead.
They have fewer calories that sweet juices and soft drinks.
You can lose weight, the healthy way, without dieting.
Do not eat starch foods and junk foods during the day.
Reserve all the bad foods for the dinner.
Avoid soft drinks.
Drink water instead.
There you are.
You would have lost considerable weight without sacrificing your favorite food.
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