- 1). Determine the number of grams you are starting out with. Multiply the number of grams you have by a decimal value of .0353. This can be done without using a calculator by multiplying it out long hand on a piece of paper.
- 2). Save yourself some time and use a quick reference chart. One of these reference charts can be found at the myjewelrysource.com website. It lists the values of one gram up to 28 grams, and how many ounces each of those values are. This can help if you are dealing with items weighing 28 grams or less.
- 3). Visit the metric-conversions.org website. This website has an online converter which will take any amount of grams that you type in, and tell you the equivalent measurement in ounces.
- 4). Log onto the Csgnetwork website, and not only can you enter a number of grams in and find out how many ounces it equates to, if you know how many ounces you need, you can enter that number and it will tell you how many grams you would need to have.
- 5). Create a spreadsheet in Excel. In the top left cell which is cell A1, enter the number of grams you have. In cell B1, which is the one just to the right of the cell you just filled out, enter the following formula exactly +.0353*A1. This will give you the value in cell B1 that is your equivalent in ounces to the amount you entered in cell A1.