- 1). Go to the "Start" menu and then click "Search."
- 2). Select the "All Files and Folders" option to find all the entries associated with System Security spyware.
- 3). Type "pc00308937ins" in the search field and then hit "Enter." Delete all the entries found.
- 4). Repeat step 3 for the following files: "0308937.exe," "System Security 2009.lnk," "System Security 2009 Support.lnk," "System Security 2009.lnk" and "System Security."
- 1). Go to the "Start" menu and then click "Run."
- 2). Type "regedit" in the search line of the "Run" utility window, and then press "Enter" to launch the Windows Registry Editor.
- 3). Navigate to and delete the following registry entries:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "00308937″
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\SystemSecurity2009 - 4). Restart the computer.
Deleting System Security Files and Folders
Deleting Sysem Security Registry Entries