Business & Finance Small Business

Ten Ways To Grow Your Business With Expert Interviews

Are you struggling in your business because you dont have access to a large enough pool of your perfect clients?

Whether youre a coach, author or service professional, theres nothing that will flip that abundance switch like moving from going after clients to having clients clamoring for you. Unfortunately, that doesnt start happening until you find your tribe, establish your expertise at delivering solutions to their burning issues, and having some mega-reach.

Thats exactly where I was two years ago, before I started hosting Expert Interviews. Since then Ive hosted over 100 and Ive experienced a quantum leap in my business: my list grew from under 200 to 17,000+, my joint venture partnerships went from 0 to 100+ and my income went from mid five-figures to six-figures. I regularly get invited to participate in joint ventures and Ive moved into a much bigger playground. Im co-hosting my first live event later this month and I am finally joining the ranks of published authors, a long time dream of mine.

My business grew in quantum leaps from those 100+ interviews. I learned loads too. Let me share the 10 ways that Expert Interviews can help you grow your business:

Fast Track Your List Building. Add hundreds, even thousands, to your list on a monthly basis. Audio is still one of the easiest and most widely available platforms for delivering content. It IS a numbers game! The more folks that are a part of your tribe, by joining your email list, the better the odds of you filling your programs and selling your products and that of your partners.

Interviews Are an Experiential Platform. Your Tribe gets to participate, through their questions, and also through the pre-call check-in. If youre smart youll ensure that your Expert guides them through an experiential portion of their content so that they get their expertise.

Easily Generate Income. Because your participants are experiencing the value offered on the call, they come away with a direct experience of your experts mastery. Information doesnt sell, experiences do. You can earn anywhere from hundreds to thousands of dollars from a SINGLE Expert Interview.

Elevate Your Expert Status and Know How. Its not only by association with other experts that you rise in everyones esteem, its because you get to learn so much from people who are experts in their fields. You come away from an Expert Interview with a mini-education. Often your experts will even share their products with you. This way you can give an endorsement, instead of a recommendation. Youll learn loads just from upgrading the company you keep. It definitely impacts your business.

Create Authentic Relationships with Your Tribe and your Expert. Your Tribe will love you for covering topics that are important to them and introducing them to trusted experts. Your Expert Partners will love you because they get to be showcased by someone who features their expertise and they get to speak to a whole new Tribe! This goes way beyond the know, like and trust factor.

Build Your Strategic Partner Network. There is nothing that a conscious entrepreneur loves more than a partner who is joint venture savvy. Not only will your Expert invite you to joint venture with them in the future, but theyll introduce you to other possible partners. And, youll also build friendships that go way beyond business.

Identify the Urgent Problems and Solutions Needed by Your Tribe. This is the best marketing research on the planet. You get to hear your tribes most urgent needs, over and over, and test topics and content that will help you articulate your solutions convincingly. You also come away from your Expert Interviews knowing exactly what your Tribe needs and how to deliver it.

Experience Increased Confidence and Clarity About Your Expertise. This is another paradox: your brilliance is almost always missed by YOU! Its so tip of your nose close that you dont SEE it, because its who you are. You often overlook it, because you dont see it as special or extraordinary. Others can better reflect your mastery. Your Tribe will eagerly share whats great about you. That, in turn, creates crystal clear confidence in your value and what you offer.

Hone Your Authentic Signature Style. One of the key problems that I encountered early on was that I tried to use business models and strategies that didnt feature my strengths. Some of the models I used actually set me up for failure! Its not that there was anything wrong with the model; it just didnt create an environment where my brilliance - my natural gifts and talents could shine. As your confidence and clarity increase, your authentic signature style becomes apparent. Its not only what you deliver that clients want, its who you are!

Leverage Your Content. Queue that Expert Interview into an auto-responder and continue to generate income on the very same interview, weeks and months after youve hosted it. Repurpose the content into a special report, e-course or video and create additional lead generation. Drive traffic to the opt-in page through social media and JV partners and continue to build your list.

List building with Expert Interviews is a strategy that works like gangbusters to grow your business. In reality, you cannot grow your business in a vacuum. It is through the power of partnership that your reach will increase at the speed of light. Keith Ferrazzi says it best:

You cant get there alone. In fact, you cant get very far at all.

Expert Interviews are a fast track strategy that build authority, increase visibility and position your message powerfully and profitably, while serving your corner of the world.
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