Health & Medical Fitness & bodybuilding

Pilates For Aches and Pains

Women tend to suffer from more aches and pains than men. A good example is how we women are slaves to fashion and we love our high heels. Because of this, many of us suffer from lower back pain. Wearing the hottest stilettos throws the pelvis into a forward tilt so that the lower back starts to ache.

If you are anything like me, you love wearing the season's most coveted high heels. Beautiful as they are to the touch and to the sight, these heels throw one's postural alignment off-center causing an imbalance which leads to stiff and strained muscles. Rest assured, the following Pilates stretching exercises will help to ease the aches and pains that come with the constant wearing of your favourite high heels.

Throughout these movements, do ensure that your spine is lifted and your shoulders are rolling back and down towards your hips. Lift up and out of your back as you keep your abdominal muscles contracted (engaged).

Do these exercises after each time of wearing your stilettos for more than four hours at a stretch.. you will have less tense, good-as-new, happy feet again. Or do these exercises anytime your muscles are calling out for some tender, loving attention from you.. your feet will love you again and make you feel like a brand new person again.

1. Foot Muscle Stretcher

Sit forward and on the edge of your chair with your legs hip-distance apart and at 90-degree angles. Place a dish towel on the floor in front of your toes. Keep your heels touching the floor throughout as you stretch your toes over the towel and begin by curling your toes to roll the towel and gather it up. When you have the entire towel in a roll (scroll), reverse the exercise by unrolling the towel until it is flat in front of you again. Remember to breathe!

2. Foot-ankle Muscle Lengthener

Sit on the floor as you stretch your legs straight out in front of you. Point both of your feet as strongly as possible, then flex them back as far as you can. Imagine pressing your toes to the touch-screen button and then using your heels to do the same. Do this a few times while breathing calmly and deeply.

3. Calf Strengthener

Standing tall on your feet, heels together, toes apart. Contract your abdominal muscles as you inhale and slowly rise up to your toes. Ensure that your heels are glued together. Press your inner thighs together to engage your buttocks and backs of legs even more. Hold for a count of 3 as you remain in tip-toe position. You may lightly touch the back of chair or wall for support. Exhale as you slowly lower yourself back down to the floor. Complete 5 sets.

Because your feet must support your body's entire weight, they can ache from pounding the pavements all day and experience blood vessel constrictions due to tight-fitting, high-heeled shoes. The Pilates exercises described here will help to stretch and strengthen your feet and reduce your discomfort. However, if you continue to experience foot aches and pains, do seek a physician's advice to ensure that you have not sustained any foot injury or other medical conditions.

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