If you made a promise to yourself on January 1, a promise to quit smoking, it's not too late. The average smoker has to quit several times before he or she is able to quit for good. This year, nearly half of all Americans made a New Year's resolution, but only about 46 percent will be successful in maintaining their resolution after a 6 month period of time, the Journal of Clinical Psychology reports. One of the top New Year's resolutions? You guessed it-- to quit smoking.
5 Reasons why the Electronic Cigarette is Better
1) You have significantly more sex appeal. No more bad breath, smelly clothes or stained teeth that come from smoking regular cigarettes.
2) Relive the glorious, carefree days of yesteryear; the days when smokers smoked-when they wanted, where they wanted. Proudly puff your e cigarette in almost any place that regular smoking is banned (think restaurants, sporting events, your office… the sky is the limit).
3) You get to be lazy. No more sketchy alleyways or smoking in the pouring rain. No more getting up from your perfectly comfortable seat for a "smoke break," only to have said break interrupted by being forced to exchange awkward pleasantries with other cigarette-smokers (also complete strangers).
4) More money to spend on your social life, your personal hygiene, you're significant other, your cat, whatever. Regular cigarettes are expensive. If you're a pack-a-day smoker, you spend about $150 a month, which equals around $1800 a year. You save big when you buy electronic cigarettes-a starter kit costs about $35, and it lasts you days, weeks, even months (depending on how much you smoke). E cigarettes are battery operated and rechargeable. Even with refills and replacement pieces, your electronic cigarette kit will be an awesome savings compared to regular cigarettes.
5) It can help you quit smoking- Smoking is a chemical addiction to nicotine and a physical addiction to the act of lighting up, both of which are difficult to conquer. Although it is highly addictive, pure nicotine is not considered particularly harmful. Cigarettes are dangerous, not because they contain nicotine, but rather, because they contain tobacco and hundreds of other chemicals. The electronic cigarette reduces the health risk and satisfies both elements of cigarette addiction--nicotine and the actual act of smoking.
6) Electronic cigarettes aren't nearly as bad for you
Normal cigarettes are full of tar, carbon monoxide and harmful toxins, containing more than 5,000 harmful poisons, but who's counting? An estimated 400,000 Americans die from smoking related deaths each year. Regular cigarettes have been found to cause cancer and cardio vascular disease, and are linked to high blood pressure and diabetes, among other illnesses. E-cigarettes carry far fewer chemical risks than normal cigarettes. Nicotine, which is the highly addictive ingredient in regular cigarettes, is inhaled through a nicotine-filled vapor, or e cigarette liquid.
5 Reasons why the Electronic Cigarette is Better
1) You have significantly more sex appeal. No more bad breath, smelly clothes or stained teeth that come from smoking regular cigarettes.
2) Relive the glorious, carefree days of yesteryear; the days when smokers smoked-when they wanted, where they wanted. Proudly puff your e cigarette in almost any place that regular smoking is banned (think restaurants, sporting events, your office… the sky is the limit).
3) You get to be lazy. No more sketchy alleyways or smoking in the pouring rain. No more getting up from your perfectly comfortable seat for a "smoke break," only to have said break interrupted by being forced to exchange awkward pleasantries with other cigarette-smokers (also complete strangers).
4) More money to spend on your social life, your personal hygiene, you're significant other, your cat, whatever. Regular cigarettes are expensive. If you're a pack-a-day smoker, you spend about $150 a month, which equals around $1800 a year. You save big when you buy electronic cigarettes-a starter kit costs about $35, and it lasts you days, weeks, even months (depending on how much you smoke). E cigarettes are battery operated and rechargeable. Even with refills and replacement pieces, your electronic cigarette kit will be an awesome savings compared to regular cigarettes.
5) It can help you quit smoking- Smoking is a chemical addiction to nicotine and a physical addiction to the act of lighting up, both of which are difficult to conquer. Although it is highly addictive, pure nicotine is not considered particularly harmful. Cigarettes are dangerous, not because they contain nicotine, but rather, because they contain tobacco and hundreds of other chemicals. The electronic cigarette reduces the health risk and satisfies both elements of cigarette addiction--nicotine and the actual act of smoking.
6) Electronic cigarettes aren't nearly as bad for you
Normal cigarettes are full of tar, carbon monoxide and harmful toxins, containing more than 5,000 harmful poisons, but who's counting? An estimated 400,000 Americans die from smoking related deaths each year. Regular cigarettes have been found to cause cancer and cardio vascular disease, and are linked to high blood pressure and diabetes, among other illnesses. E-cigarettes carry far fewer chemical risks than normal cigarettes. Nicotine, which is the highly addictive ingredient in regular cigarettes, is inhaled through a nicotine-filled vapor, or e cigarette liquid.