Today, most new mothers comprehend the benefits of breastfeeding yet there are still many that give up within the first few days or weeks. With a little knowledge and a few elementary guidelines, more mothers will be able to see long-term success.
Prior to Birth
1. Inform Yourself: preparing for birth can be so overwhelming that researching breast-feeding is often given no more than a passing look. Breast feeding is considered completely normal so mothers-to-be don't think to learn about it. Wrong! There are many things to be aware, especially during the first days. When difficulties develop in these first few days mothers normally end up abandoning breast-feeding. Succesful breast-feeding is closely tied to how aware a mother is of potential problems and how to handle them. La Leche League is a great resource, as is the web, and your library.
2. Support: if you don't have one yet, ensure you locate a knowledgable doctor/pediatrician. There are also lactation consultants that will visit within a day or two of birth to ensure a good start. If possible, you should try to arrange for someone to take over all other household duties for a week or more.
During Birth
3. Non-Medical Birth: if at all possible as any drugs can make the baby sleepy and inhibit breastfeeding in the first crucial hour.
4. Nurse Immediately: as soon as possible put he baby to the breast as this is when they have a strong reflex to suck. After this first hour it can take up to 40 hours for the nursing reflex to be as strong again.
5. Latching-on Correctly: what is expected to be natural and simple, often isn't. Experienced nurses are usually on-hand in a hospital. If you give birth at home you would expect to have a mid-wife or doula to assist you with latching-on. Nipple soreness is an early sign of incorrect latching-on and help should be sought to fix it.
6. Rooming-In: while it may be temptting to let baby be whisked away to a nursery, it's important that you stay together. It can be so important, not just for bonding, but also allows the new mother to learn her baby's hunger cues and put him on the breast at the earliest sign. The other danger is of baby getting too hungry before he's brought in to mum and then it's hard for him to settle enough to feed.
7. No Artificial Nipples: pacifiers or bottles should be a no go during early breast feeding (unless of course, bottles are needed for a medical issue). Not only can they cause nipple confusion but they also intefere with the establishment of a good milk supply. A mother's milk flow is slow to begin and needs the baby's sucking to increase it. When a baby is allowed to suck on a pacifier it is not as inclined to suck as long or hard on the breast. A bottle will allow milk to flow quicker and easier and so it can frustrate the baby when it tries to feed from the breast.
The First Few Weeks
8. Feed on Your Baby's Schedule: ignore anyone that tries to tell you to put your baby on a rigid feeding schedule. Other than something being wrong (ask your doctor for guidelines if you're unsure), your baby knows how much and how often they need to eat. This is the best way to minimise engorgement or under supply as it allows your milk production to match itself to your baby's needs. The more you tune into your baby's needs, the quicker and easier it is to establish breastfeeding.
9. Household Help: it's not just the first few days, as mentioned earlier, but the first few weeks that a mother should really have lots of help in the home. This is the best way for mum to tune into her baby's cues as well as establishing a strong bond. Over-exertion can tire the mother and affect her milk flow. Don't give in to the temptation of a solid 8 hours sleep by letting someone else bottle-feed in these first few weeks! Sleeping during nursing is easy when baby comes into bed for feeding. Don't forget, you arranged for help at home so you can also nap with your baby during the day.
10. Ask for Advice: have your list of experts ready so you can call at the earliest signs of a problem. Nipples, in particular, can quickly turn from a little sore into being very painful, cracked and bleeding. Stay in touch with La Leche league and/or have a lactation consultant you can call on.
Continuing On
These guidelines should get you through the toughest few weeks of breast-feeding, establishing you on the path of giving your baby the best nutrition. A breast pump can be invaluable once breast-feeding is firmly established. With a breast pump you can have the freedom of a few hours or days while still giving your baby your milk. Especially if you have to go back to work, a breast pump can be invaluable.
I hope this helps establish you for many months of wonderful breast-feeding!
Prior to Birth
1. Inform Yourself: preparing for birth can be so overwhelming that researching breast-feeding is often given no more than a passing look. Breast feeding is considered completely normal so mothers-to-be don't think to learn about it. Wrong! There are many things to be aware, especially during the first days. When difficulties develop in these first few days mothers normally end up abandoning breast-feeding. Succesful breast-feeding is closely tied to how aware a mother is of potential problems and how to handle them. La Leche League is a great resource, as is the web, and your library.
2. Support: if you don't have one yet, ensure you locate a knowledgable doctor/pediatrician. There are also lactation consultants that will visit within a day or two of birth to ensure a good start. If possible, you should try to arrange for someone to take over all other household duties for a week or more.
During Birth
3. Non-Medical Birth: if at all possible as any drugs can make the baby sleepy and inhibit breastfeeding in the first crucial hour.
4. Nurse Immediately: as soon as possible put he baby to the breast as this is when they have a strong reflex to suck. After this first hour it can take up to 40 hours for the nursing reflex to be as strong again.
5. Latching-on Correctly: what is expected to be natural and simple, often isn't. Experienced nurses are usually on-hand in a hospital. If you give birth at home you would expect to have a mid-wife or doula to assist you with latching-on. Nipple soreness is an early sign of incorrect latching-on and help should be sought to fix it.
6. Rooming-In: while it may be temptting to let baby be whisked away to a nursery, it's important that you stay together. It can be so important, not just for bonding, but also allows the new mother to learn her baby's hunger cues and put him on the breast at the earliest sign. The other danger is of baby getting too hungry before he's brought in to mum and then it's hard for him to settle enough to feed.
7. No Artificial Nipples: pacifiers or bottles should be a no go during early breast feeding (unless of course, bottles are needed for a medical issue). Not only can they cause nipple confusion but they also intefere with the establishment of a good milk supply. A mother's milk flow is slow to begin and needs the baby's sucking to increase it. When a baby is allowed to suck on a pacifier it is not as inclined to suck as long or hard on the breast. A bottle will allow milk to flow quicker and easier and so it can frustrate the baby when it tries to feed from the breast.
The First Few Weeks
8. Feed on Your Baby's Schedule: ignore anyone that tries to tell you to put your baby on a rigid feeding schedule. Other than something being wrong (ask your doctor for guidelines if you're unsure), your baby knows how much and how often they need to eat. This is the best way to minimise engorgement or under supply as it allows your milk production to match itself to your baby's needs. The more you tune into your baby's needs, the quicker and easier it is to establish breastfeeding.
9. Household Help: it's not just the first few days, as mentioned earlier, but the first few weeks that a mother should really have lots of help in the home. This is the best way for mum to tune into her baby's cues as well as establishing a strong bond. Over-exertion can tire the mother and affect her milk flow. Don't give in to the temptation of a solid 8 hours sleep by letting someone else bottle-feed in these first few weeks! Sleeping during nursing is easy when baby comes into bed for feeding. Don't forget, you arranged for help at home so you can also nap with your baby during the day.
10. Ask for Advice: have your list of experts ready so you can call at the earliest signs of a problem. Nipples, in particular, can quickly turn from a little sore into being very painful, cracked and bleeding. Stay in touch with La Leche league and/or have a lactation consultant you can call on.
Continuing On
These guidelines should get you through the toughest few weeks of breast-feeding, establishing you on the path of giving your baby the best nutrition. A breast pump can be invaluable once breast-feeding is firmly established. With a breast pump you can have the freedom of a few hours or days while still giving your baby your milk. Especially if you have to go back to work, a breast pump can be invaluable.
I hope this helps establish you for many months of wonderful breast-feeding!