Health & Medical Hair Health,Hair Loss

What Is the Difference between Male and Female Hair Loss

What Is the Difference between Male and Female Hair Loss

Androgenic Alopecia is the term given to refer to male and female hair loss.Normallybaldingoccurs in men but it has also been seen in women. Balding is caused by a number of things like genetic predisposition, medication, hormones and enzymes produced in the body. This article distinguishes the difference between how women and how men lose their mops at different times in life.

The major difference is the pattern with which men and women lose their locks. In ladies the pattern goes over the whole top. The pattern in men is marked by a receding line at the temples and the crown on top of the head.

Androgens are a group of hormones that hinder normal growth. Hormone and enzyme receptors are located at different spots on the scalp. Due to this, the way balding occurs in both sexes is not the same.  Men are more prone to this because these proteins are testosterone based, hence produced in higher quantities.

Men bald mostly due to genetic predisposition and age but in women it can happen at any time. Aside from alopecia, some medical conditions can also be taken responsible. Ladies do not get bald spots, hair thinning takes place but it remains intact, receding only in severe cases. Today there are great solutions for hair loss in woman such as cimavil nonprescription pills.

Females can additionally lose follicles from tightly fixed braids and weaves. When this is done repeatedly without change, the braids eventually eat away on the follicles. When they come undone, the scalp is clearly visible. Heavy uses of hair color, blow drying with high heat, irregular use of shampoo or conditioner are some of the other causes of balding in women. This is why some woman's can use hair loss supplements to stop hail loss.

This condition can be treated using agents that prolong the growth phase. This counters thinning by stimulating thicker growth. It will take a few months using this agent to see results. Surgical treatment can also be used. This procedure known as Microscopic Follicular Unit Transplant involves transplanting follicles from the back of the head to thinning areas
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