Health & Medical Addiction & Recovery

Stop Smoking Side Effects and How to Avoid Them

Every smoker who contemplates quitting worries about the stop smoking side effects and wishes they could be avoided.
Unfortunately, since there are so many and varied effects, it would be impossible to promise all could be avoided.
The good news, however, is the side effects can be lessened and yes, some can be completely avoided.
  Perhaps weight gain is the most worrisome side effect of all.
On average, a person who quits smoking will gain ten pounds.
This is one stop smoking side effect that can be totally avoided with a little planning ahead.
Before setting your quit date, start eating healthier and rev up your exercise plan.
Drop a few pounds before you quit and you will be ahead of the game.
Keep your exercise program working for you.
After you do quit you will enjoy working out even more since you are going to feel so much better and energetic!   Exercise will also help reduce your cravings to smoke and help work off any nervous energy you may feel.
   When you smoke you are not only taking in nicotine but also thousands of other chemicals in cigarette smoke.
The stress caused by cutting off that supply can cause tiredness.
Try to get as much rest as possible.
It is okay to nap during this time.
Think of it as therapy!   The exact opposite may also happen to you as you may find yourself wide awake and unable to sleep.
In this case, try taking long walks a few hours before your bedtime.
   A good multivitamin can help offset some of your withdrawal symptoms.
Consider adding one to your daily routine at least for the first few months.
   Remember, today's market is a treasure trove of nicotine replacement aides.
They have been proven to work so to help lessen your stop smoking side effects even more, find one that will enable you to beat your nicotine addiction a little easier.
There is no reason to suffer through withdrawal when help is only a website away.
   The withdrawal period is temporary.
Freedom from smoking can last forever! Tackle your addiction and come out a winner.
I know you can do it!  
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