- 1). Draw a horizontal line in the space provided for the question.
- 2). Draw a left arrow (<) at the far left of the line and a right arrow (>) at the far right of the number line.
- 3). Divide the line into twenty evenly spaced sections. Number those sections from -10 on the left to 10 on the right. This is your completed number line.
- 4). Place a dot on the number line representing the quantity indicated by the question. For example, if you were asked to graph the inequality "greater than or equal to 1," place a dot at the "1" point.
- 5). Draw a second line on top of the number line, extending out from the dot you drew in Step 4. If the inequality is "greater than," the line will extend to the right, and if the inequality is "less than," the line will extend to the left. Draw a left or a right arrow at the end of this line, matching the arrow you drew at the end of the number line in Step 2.