- 1). Choose a standard 21 by 11 inch seed tray to start your skullcap seeds indoors.
- 2). Fill the trays halfway with a standard potting mix.
- 3). Place three to four seeds in each section and lightly cover with soil.
- 4). Apply water with a watering can with just enough water to moisten the soil.
- 5). Refrigerate the trays (at 40 to 50 degrees Fahrenheit) for one week.
- 6). Remove the trays from the refrigerator and place them in a greenhouse or a warm, sunny windowsill.
- 7). Water the trays every other day to keep the soil moist.
- 8). Plant the seedlings outside when they have reached a height of 2 to 3 inches. In Texas, the best time to plant the skullcap is in early spring. Skullcap can tolerate a wide variety of soils, including poor quality soil.
- 9). Use a trowel to dig a hole approximately 2 inches deep. Place a seedling inside a hole and fill with native soil. Place the plants 8 inches apart and in rows that are 18 inches apart.
- 10
Water the plants twice a week with approximately 2 inches of water. The plants are evergreen in Texas.