We study in schools yet learn more outside of schools.
We live in bigger houses yet have smaller families.
We have bigger beds yet have less time to sleep.
We have the money yet have little time to enjoy.
We have higher incomes yet our happiness index is lower.
We eat rich food and end up having rich man's disease.
We have fast food yet still slow to catch the movie.
We work super hard and our heart takes a beating.
Strangely the more we give, the more we get.
The more we have, the more we want to have more.
We now have more possessions but less values.
We spend more money on our outer appearance than more time on our inner soul.
We talk too fast, walk too fast yet slow to praise and hug.
We have more knowledge yet create more problems.
The earth supports us yet we we do things to harm the earth.
We need to go through hell before we realize what is well.
We need to lose love before we learn how to love.
We learn how to make a living yet we do not know how to live a life.
We study stars 1000 light years away from Earth yet we know little of our inner self.
We do not stop playing because we grow old; We grow old because we stop playing.
We cry when we enter the world; Others cry when we leave this world.
Is death the end or is it just the beginning?
We live in bigger houses yet have smaller families.
We have bigger beds yet have less time to sleep.
We have the money yet have little time to enjoy.
We have higher incomes yet our happiness index is lower.
We eat rich food and end up having rich man's disease.
We have fast food yet still slow to catch the movie.
We work super hard and our heart takes a beating.
Strangely the more we give, the more we get.
The more we have, the more we want to have more.
We now have more possessions but less values.
We spend more money on our outer appearance than more time on our inner soul.
We talk too fast, walk too fast yet slow to praise and hug.
We have more knowledge yet create more problems.
The earth supports us yet we we do things to harm the earth.
We need to go through hell before we realize what is well.
We need to lose love before we learn how to love.
We learn how to make a living yet we do not know how to live a life.
We study stars 1000 light years away from Earth yet we know little of our inner self.
We do not stop playing because we grow old; We grow old because we stop playing.
We cry when we enter the world; Others cry when we leave this world.
Is death the end or is it just the beginning?