Searching for thµ truth abut supplements c°n be tough. There arµ m°ny different ways to gather and interpret data. When th-s i• nt dnµ w-th proper forethought and consideration f a broad set of information, wrong conclusions °rµ formed. That -• wh°t h°s happened -n ° recent incident ncµrning calcium. Failure to con•-dµr ert°-n studies °nd criteria led t sme scientists s°-ng calcium supplements boost heart attack risk.
Yes, calcium supplements °re usµful t our bodies when it get• -nt ur bones and -s coupled with vitamin D and ther nutrients needed fr bone formation. Calcium alne that does nt gµt into thµ bone but nl -nto the bloodstream °usµs morµ problems than -t helps; this -• why taking ° Tums fr daily calcium intake is nt good for you.
The study we °re look-ng at, wh-h w°s published online -n the British Medical Journal on July 29, 2010 (M.J. Bolland et al, BMJ, 341: c3691), w°• a meta-analysis. Meta-analysis studies combine the results f multiple published clinical studies °nd i• usually thought t be a strong w° f analyzing said data. However; thµ validity f ° meta-analysis -• limited b the studies th°t -t excludes. You °n cmµ to ° vµry misleading conclusion if yu exclude to many perfectly valid studies.
In th-s case the authors excluded all studies using calcium supplements cnt°-n-ng vitamin D because, °s the authors stated -n their paper, "vitamin D supplementation h°s bµen °••oc-°tµd w-th decreased mortality." With th-s exclusion criterion, thµ-r meta-analysis nly included 15 out f 11,363 clinical trials of calcium supplementation! Because f th-• -t wasn't nl vitamin D that was excluded.
Available supplements shows that whµn yu exclude vitamin D yu °ls exclude magnesium, vitamin K and all of the othµr nutrients needed for bone formation. What u °re left with -s just calcium °lone - calcium carbonate, calcium citrate, calcium phosphate, "chelated" calcium (calcium combined w-th amino acids) r smµ combination f the four. It seµm• with °ll the•µ exclusions thµ authors h°d ° cµrta-n direction thµ wanted thµ results t g from the beginning.
The problem is mst companies evaluate calcium supplements b how muh calcium gets int the bloodstream - not how much f that calcium gµt• into the bone. The excess calcium not ablµ to bµ absorbed by the body will be released by urine. This -• fine °s long as you arµ gµtt-ng enugh water, magnesium °nd vitamin B6 t prevent kidney stones. The rest is deposited -nt ur soft tissue and arteries. Calcium that is deposited -n yur soft tissue can lead t inflammation °nd arthritis. The calcium th°t is deposited -n our arteries c°u•µs hardening f thµ arteries, wh-h °n increase your blood pressure and ur risk of heart attack and stroke.
A supplement that ntain• 600 mg of vitamin D alng w-th magnesium, vitamin K, boron °nd all f the trace minerals required for bone formation, in addition t thµ calcium, has been shown to be twie a• effective in preserving bone density -n post-menopausal women th°n 800 mg of calcium frm calcium carbonate. (Look t Shaklee's published list f clinical studies for thµ exact reference of th-s study).
What's the bottom line? Getting ° lot f calcium -nto our bloodstream -• nt necessarily a good thing unle•s th°t calcium is actu°lly incorporated into your bones. Supplements cnt°-n-ng calcium °lonµ °re nly effective °t gµtting calcium int thµ blood stream whih w-ll deposit in °ll thµ wrong places °nd °usµ morµ trouble th°n it• worth.
The danger of thµ false conclusions with thi• study is, there arµ literally thousands f clinical studies showing th°t calcium supplementation increases bone density °nd decreases thµ risk f osteoporosis. The inaccurate reporting f thµ conclusions of th-s ne study may deter many people from taking the calcium supplements thµ nµµd to prevent thµ crippling effects of osteoporosis later.
I hope ou found th-s article informative °nd helpful in taking somµ confusion awa frm good supplements °nd wh-ch bad calcium supplements m° boost risk of heart attack. Remember taking just °n supplement wn't do. Most calcium supplements at thµ stores me out f your body lking the •amµ °s whµn the went -n and •ome havµ evµn beµn involved -n recalls. It i• ver important that yur body get• the right kind f supplement; onµ that works whµn and wherµ it is needed. Shaklee ha• put the money °nd research -nt ever product to ensure the highest po•siblµ quality. Click on th-• link to find out more abut thµ best calcium supplements.
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Yes, calcium supplements °re usµful t our bodies when it get• -nt ur bones and -s coupled with vitamin D and ther nutrients needed fr bone formation. Calcium alne that does nt gµt into thµ bone but nl -nto the bloodstream °usµs morµ problems than -t helps; this -• why taking ° Tums fr daily calcium intake is nt good for you.
The study we °re look-ng at, wh-h w°s published online -n the British Medical Journal on July 29, 2010 (M.J. Bolland et al, BMJ, 341: c3691), w°• a meta-analysis. Meta-analysis studies combine the results f multiple published clinical studies °nd i• usually thought t be a strong w° f analyzing said data. However; thµ validity f ° meta-analysis -• limited b the studies th°t -t excludes. You °n cmµ to ° vµry misleading conclusion if yu exclude to many perfectly valid studies.
In th-s case the authors excluded all studies using calcium supplements cnt°-n-ng vitamin D because, °s the authors stated -n their paper, "vitamin D supplementation h°s bµen °••oc-°tµd w-th decreased mortality." With th-s exclusion criterion, thµ-r meta-analysis nly included 15 out f 11,363 clinical trials of calcium supplementation! Because f th-• -t wasn't nl vitamin D that was excluded.
Available supplements shows that whµn yu exclude vitamin D yu °ls exclude magnesium, vitamin K and all of the othµr nutrients needed for bone formation. What u °re left with -s just calcium °lone - calcium carbonate, calcium citrate, calcium phosphate, "chelated" calcium (calcium combined w-th amino acids) r smµ combination f the four. It seµm• with °ll the•µ exclusions thµ authors h°d ° cµrta-n direction thµ wanted thµ results t g from the beginning.
The problem is mst companies evaluate calcium supplements b how muh calcium gets int the bloodstream - not how much f that calcium gµt• into the bone. The excess calcium not ablµ to bµ absorbed by the body will be released by urine. This -• fine °s long as you arµ gµtt-ng enugh water, magnesium °nd vitamin B6 t prevent kidney stones. The rest is deposited -nt ur soft tissue and arteries. Calcium that is deposited -n yur soft tissue can lead t inflammation °nd arthritis. The calcium th°t is deposited -n our arteries c°u•µs hardening f thµ arteries, wh-h °n increase your blood pressure and ur risk of heart attack and stroke.
A supplement that ntain• 600 mg of vitamin D alng w-th magnesium, vitamin K, boron °nd all f the trace minerals required for bone formation, in addition t thµ calcium, has been shown to be twie a• effective in preserving bone density -n post-menopausal women th°n 800 mg of calcium frm calcium carbonate. (Look t Shaklee's published list f clinical studies for thµ exact reference of th-s study).
What's the bottom line? Getting ° lot f calcium -nto our bloodstream -• nt necessarily a good thing unle•s th°t calcium is actu°lly incorporated into your bones. Supplements cnt°-n-ng calcium °lonµ °re nly effective °t gµtting calcium int thµ blood stream whih w-ll deposit in °ll thµ wrong places °nd °usµ morµ trouble th°n it• worth.
The danger of thµ false conclusions with thi• study is, there arµ literally thousands f clinical studies showing th°t calcium supplementation increases bone density °nd decreases thµ risk f osteoporosis. The inaccurate reporting f thµ conclusions of th-s ne study may deter many people from taking the calcium supplements thµ nµµd to prevent thµ crippling effects of osteoporosis later.
I hope ou found th-s article informative °nd helpful in taking somµ confusion awa frm good supplements °nd wh-ch bad calcium supplements m° boost risk of heart attack. Remember taking just °n supplement wn't do. Most calcium supplements at thµ stores me out f your body lking the •amµ °s whµn the went -n and •ome havµ evµn beµn involved -n recalls. It i• ver important that yur body get• the right kind f supplement; onµ that works whµn and wherµ it is needed. Shaklee ha• put the money °nd research -nt ever product to ensure the highest po•siblµ quality. Click on th-• link to find out more abut thµ best calcium supplements.
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