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Debunking Three SEO Myths

There are many reasons why search engines are so misunderstood.
The rules and formulas used by the search engines change constantly, which is the main reason why so few people understand them well.
Search engines are always changing their algorithms, largely in order to keep spam under control.
This leads to myths, right from increasing the ranking to getting indexed.
If you want to succeed with SEO, it's crucial to be able to tell myth from reality.
To be sure you don't fall prey to any of the myths regarding SEO, we'll look into some of these now.
In an effort to increase search ranking some sites use a header tag but doing so does not actually affect your rank.
Keeping the myth alive, people still use keywords in their H tag, even though doing so does not increase your ranking.
But if you really want to see the answer for yourself, you can run tests.
It is recommended that header tags be used minimally and only if they fit with your page design.
To streamline the look of your site, you can ignore these tags altogether.
Another mistaken idea that many people have is that search engine optimization involves fooling the search engines so that they rank you highly.
You may be able to mislead the search engines, but then you are also misleading the people you are targeting for your website.
Doing such activities might get you traffic, but the bigger question is, how much of it converts? Truly effective SEO involves creating good content, building natural backlinks and generally pleasing the search engines.
As long as you are using a method that is honest and based on reality, you can use certain tricks to help you.
If you are looking to build a long lasting business, this is your best approach.
The fact that your site will be banned if you buy links to your site from other relevant websites is another myth.
The fact is, Google would definitely not want you to buy links to influence your rankings and they wouldn't count them as incoming links if they knew they were paid, but they often don't know this.
Even if they discover that these are paid links, they would simply ignore the existence of the links.
It simply wouldn't be logical for them to give a site the ban hammer simply because it was advertising its links on other sites.
But you should remember that when you're buying links, the same link building rules apply.
Therefore whether you are buying links or building them naturally, make sure they always come from relevant sites.
While there is no one answer for search engine optimization there are practices that have been perfected by others that you can implement.
When it comes to SEO there is no one right answer for high ranking; you need to keep researching and stay up to date on new information as it comes available..
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