Business & Finance Advertising & sales & Marketing

How to Make Money With Google AdSense

The easiest way for you to make money with Google AdSense is to create a blog with Blogger, Google's "blogging" site.
Once you have gone through the preliminaries of registering and creating a blog, you will see an option to make money on the home page of your Blogger account saying "Monetize.
" Using this option, you can apply for Google to display context-relevant ads on your blog in the position that you specify.
You can have the ads placed along the sides or between blog entries.
"Context-relevant" or "context-sensitive" simply means that the advertisements that Google will run on your pages will be related to the keywords that you have included in that blog.
These keywords are inserted for each article that you enter in the blog.
Because of this, the keywords in your blog should all be related and focused on one subject, or, if you are interested to make money in Internet marketing, on one niche or marketing sector.
This niche may be online games or a specific online game, may be baby's clothes and accessories or may focus on cotton baby clothes and accessories.
The scope of your focus will depend on your preference, but it should be there.
This is also important for your ranking on search engines.
To make money, good, targeted content and corresponding keywords are two things you need because search engines look for them when rating web pages.
Since your earnings from Google AdSense will be determined by the clicks that your visitors make, to make money, the way you position Google Ads in your blog is of prime importance.
For most people, the first area of the screen they look at is the right side, that is why many bloggers advise putting Google Ads on the right side.
However, you can divert attention from the right to the left side by putting in a lot of attraction on that side.
Because of the need for good placement of ads to make money, you should select a good blog template to use.
To make money on a larger scale with Google AdSense, you might create many blogs all dealing with one topic.
This multiplies the number of Google ad clicks on one blog by the total number of blogs that you have.
The viability of this scheme will of course depend on whether you are earning enough from clicks to pay your blog hosting service provider (in case you decide to put up the blog in your own domain and not with Blogger).
Therefore you should only resort to this if your first blog is earning for you.
If you are blogging on Blogger, this will not be an issue.
To make money with Google AdSense, you should be ready to write good content for your blog frequently and regularly, the more relevant articles you add per day, the higher will your rankings get.
This is the reason behind the boom of Internet article writing.
And in your case, if your disposition, your skill or your time will not allow, you have to resort to having your articles written by ghost writers to make money with Google AdSense.
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