- Natural light sources may be used solely or as part of a combined lighting set-up in a videography project. When using professional light sources with the natural light sources like the sun, moon and stars, especially in scenes shot in exterior locations, the professional light sources must be powerful enough to light the elements to be shot in relation to the power of natural light sources. The effect of clouds for an overcast look in the scene is also considered whenever using available light in a shoot.
- Artificial light sources may be used solely in a videography work especially when shooting scenes requiring totally controlled set-ups like in productions involving a blue or green screen. Aside from professional lighting equipment, artificial light sources may also include practical lights such as lampshades or bathroom lights to create a real-life situation.
- Production lights used in film shoots typically require power generators or power outlets within the location. These power outlets must have enough capacity to handle the electrical requirements of such large equipment. Some production lights have minimal electrical needs. Some lights may also function using batteries, providing better mobility during the shoot. Portable production light sources are typically used in event coverage, wedding documentation and documentary films.
Natural Light Sources
Artificial Light Sources
Professional Light Sources