Is sulfur acne treatment effective or not? This has been around for over 50 years, so it's actually one of the more ancient medications that's been used for acne.
It's mostly used to help with exfoliating or pealing.
It's not as harsh as some other medications, so you won't notice the dramatic side effects as you would say, with benzoyl peroxide.
It's also much more natural because it comes from a natural source-sulfur springs.
How do you use it? Unlike many treatments today, you do not wash it off.
This is possible because it's not as harsh as others.
But does it work? Yes it does-that is evidenced by the fact it's one of the oldest pimple remedies around.
but remember-it's just a temporary solution because...
Zits are almost ALWAYS an internal issue This is why a holistic approach to getting rid of pimples is important.
Even if you do opt for the sulfur acne treatment, it will only solve the immediate problem.
It won't keep the pimples away for good.
So what's the best PERMANENT solution? Here are 3 tips that work.
TIP #1) Be active Um...
what does this have to do with zits? Because stress causes pimples-and lack of physical activity cause stress.
You'd be amazed at what just 20 minutes of exercise a day does for your overall mental state.
But make sure it's something you enjoy, and ideally something outdoors.
When you combine these 3 factors your stress will go down quite dramatically.
TIP #2) Deep breathing I recommend you do deep breathing exercise at least 2-3 times every day.
This can have a positive effect on stress levels as well.
TIP #3) Get more sleep It sounds simple-and it is--but lack of sleep can really spike your stress levels.
Not only that, but it doesn't allow your body the time it needs to digest it's food.
Digestion is one of the things your body loves to do when you are physically inactive.
Both of these factors are why sleep is so critical for getting clear skin.
How much sleep is needed? More than you think.
First figure out what time you are going to get up in the morning, and then go to bed roughly 9 hours earlier.
When you combine a holistic approach with sulfur acne treatment, you will see temporary and PERMANENT results.
It's mostly used to help with exfoliating or pealing.
It's not as harsh as some other medications, so you won't notice the dramatic side effects as you would say, with benzoyl peroxide.
It's also much more natural because it comes from a natural source-sulfur springs.
How do you use it? Unlike many treatments today, you do not wash it off.
This is possible because it's not as harsh as others.
But does it work? Yes it does-that is evidenced by the fact it's one of the oldest pimple remedies around.
but remember-it's just a temporary solution because...
Zits are almost ALWAYS an internal issue This is why a holistic approach to getting rid of pimples is important.
Even if you do opt for the sulfur acne treatment, it will only solve the immediate problem.
It won't keep the pimples away for good.
So what's the best PERMANENT solution? Here are 3 tips that work.
TIP #1) Be active Um...
what does this have to do with zits? Because stress causes pimples-and lack of physical activity cause stress.
You'd be amazed at what just 20 minutes of exercise a day does for your overall mental state.
But make sure it's something you enjoy, and ideally something outdoors.
When you combine these 3 factors your stress will go down quite dramatically.
TIP #2) Deep breathing I recommend you do deep breathing exercise at least 2-3 times every day.
This can have a positive effect on stress levels as well.
TIP #3) Get more sleep It sounds simple-and it is--but lack of sleep can really spike your stress levels.
Not only that, but it doesn't allow your body the time it needs to digest it's food.
Digestion is one of the things your body loves to do when you are physically inactive.
Both of these factors are why sleep is so critical for getting clear skin.
How much sleep is needed? More than you think.
First figure out what time you are going to get up in the morning, and then go to bed roughly 9 hours earlier.
When you combine a holistic approach with sulfur acne treatment, you will see temporary and PERMANENT results.